
Lizzie adorned the bridesmaid dress that her and Catherine had gotten a few days previous with Hazel - they were soft yellow dresses, with a bit of lace, but the softest material that hugged their curves, leaving at just about the collarbone exposed. It was gorgeous.

" Knock, knock." Lizzie called through the door, where she heard a bit of music, evident cheering - complete chaos more likely.

" Hey!" she called, pounding her first on the door again," Can you douchebags here me?" There was no answer - if anything she was sure the voices just grew louder.

" Hey, guys!" she called again. Just then the door swung open and Lizzie was faced with Floyd on the other side, his tie loose around his neck, his white shirt half unbuttoned, untucked and his shoe laces not even tied.

" Floyd?" she asked him and Floyd chuckled at her.

" Hey, love." he said, leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek as she watched him, still in a bit of shock admittedly, a smirk rising on her features as she stared at him.

" You dressed?" she asked sarcastically and Floyd scoffed as he opened the door a bit more, leaning up against the frame as Lizzie watched him, crossing her arms with a raised brow.

" You look nice." he said and Lizzie grinned softly," You know I love it when your hair's like that." Lizzie giggled, putting a hand softly over her lips.

" My hair's always like this." she countered him as he reached up, sticking his tongue out of his mouth a bit as if it were of importance and twirled a piece of blonde hair around his finger, admiring it with soft eyes before tucking it behind her ear. Lizzie softly watched him, her heart pounding a bit faster than she would've wished.

To say her heart might've skipped a beat at the shy look her gave her next nearly made her blush. She didn't blush much though - of course Floyd made her blush more than she'd like but this...yeah she would've blushed if she didn't have to go back and try and act like Floyd hadn't just made her heart all mushy.

" I know." Floyd said," You's you." Floyd cocked his head a bit at her as she shyly smiled at him.

" Are you sweet talking me? Are you trying to hide that Lieb's got a stain on his shirt or something - someone missing a shoe?" she said as Floyd let out a laugh towards her softly kissing her forehead.

" Everything's fine, wanna see for yourself? Lieb's been practicing his vows for over an hour."

" How's he doing? He okay?" Lizzie asked him, slightly worried - Lieb nervous? Well, for this, she could definitely see that he'd be. Floyd glanced over his shoulder and then gently pushed the door open as Lizzie saw George, god bless his heart, attempting to console a red-cheeked Joe Liebgott who held a paper in his head trying his best to read off the paper and memorize it?

Whatever he was doing, it looked like it was only making him more of a nervous wreck if anything.

" Aw Lieb..." Lizzie said stepping forward as Joe looked up towards her - a complete sheer plate of panic was what he seemed to wear shyly.

" Oh Lizzie thank God you're here, these two haven't been any help." Joe said and Lizzie smirked sadly at him as she let him gratefully hug her, letting out a soft sigh at her comforting embrace.

" I thought everything was under control Floyd Talbert." she called gently as she pulled back from Joe and glanced towards Floyd who stood smirking beside George who grinned.

" Yeah well, before you came Elizabeth." he said and Lizzie chuckled softly, before looking back up at Joe.

" You okay?" Lizzie asked him softly watching as Joe's eyes traced on the vowels again.

Ad Astra Per Aspera [2] - Band of BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora