Chapter 1) A bumpy ride

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*** Loki's POV ***

Traveling through the narrower paths of Yggdrasil was the last thing he should have done. Especially after spending almost all his currently available energy, on escaping his supressing chains and the cell's energy walls, back on Asgard.

He had to admit it. Asgard was getting better and better at finding the right frequencies his magic works at.
Honestly that really worried him.

However as long as they haven't perfected it yet, there will always be a way out, but for how long though? He asked himself.

Every time he ends up there, Asgard had become crueller at their methods of restraining him. Their practices were truly suffocating the core his very being and he won't forget what they had done this time.

A heavy collar had been placed around his nek and heavy shackles had enclosed his small wrists. They were meant to be permanently in place, while a heavy chain had been connecting the collar to the back wall.

Therefore he was at least four feet out of the barriers reach. The guards had to use a pole to shove his meals towards his reach. Not that he had much of an appetite while being there for the past six months.

The marks of those shackles were still on his flesh and probably for some time more. It was still hurting him at this very moment. The pressing feeling still on his mind. Like the bounds were still there suffocating him.

His mother had looked at him with tears in her eyes. So did his not brother Thor. It was obvious that he didn't wish for the extra bounds to be placed either. therefor it must have been Odin's idea.
He truly hated that old cruel man.

After his lineage discovery and all the other lies buried within the palace its charming reputation. It was no worder a man would turn his back to them.
Never would he be the king's pet again.

Loki knew that he was indeed born to be a ruler, even if it was meant to be on another planet full of monsters.
The funny thing was that he'd fit right in, with his reputation now.

With everything in place, they nevertheless had tried to make him comfortable, with the extra blankets, pillows and books.
Although It didn't change the fact, that he still felt like a freakshow to everyone passing his cell Guards, visitors and even other prisoners, who were to be freed or newly locked up.

The path he'd jumped into to escape, was barely present and thus very unstable.
Loki had no idea what he was doing, but his desperation to escape a lifetime prison term on Asgard, had pushed him far enough to break free once again.
Admittedly the adrenaline of being pursued trough Asgard on a stolen horse, had helped a tad more for him to jump of the bridge again.

This time at the right spot through the waters, where a small rift had formed right after the bridge had been broken. One he came to know about, with a previous escape.
Even Though he had stuck to his plan back then and kept this anomaly in mind, hoping when the time comes, it would still be present.

Loki wished that he could have seen the guards faces, when he jumped of the horse its back to disappear in the waters, to wander through Yggdrasil's ways once again.
Then again the problem was, to walk these branches one needs enough magic resource in case they must navigate and keep their stability.

So this time around it felt more alike, falling off and infinite spiral staircase. He doesn't recommend it, but on the other hand he was desperate enough to dive into the wormhole.

After what felt like days he finally detected the end of the trail. No idea what's to find on the other side. hoping he won't end up in the core of a star, or worse... back on Asgard. He braced himself.
Where will the ladies of fate dispose of him this time? He wondered.

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