Chapter eight

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Zain opened his eyes and saw that he was in his room. He had a little headache but it wasn't a lot.

He quickly remember what happened last night. He and Harry kissed.

It was also Zain's first kiss but he didn't regret kissing Harry and he hoped Harry didn't regret it.

He got up from his bed and went outside. He quickly brushed his teeth and then walked down the hallway to the kitchen and saw Louis and Liam whispering to eachother.

"Good morning?"

"AA- ZAIN HI" said Louis quickly turning around as Liam did the same. Zain looked at both of them confused but ignored it.

He sat down and asked "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing" replied Liam nervously waving both of his hands. Zain looked at them and pressed "What happened"

Louis looked at Liam and sighed "Harry carried you here last night to your bedroom and gave you a kiss on the forehead"

Zain turned extremely red and looked away from them. He looked down to his feet as he heard Liam laugh loudly as Louis chuckled.

Zain glared both of them and tried to change the topic "A-Anyways did you guys make breakfast?"

"Yeah we already had breakfast, you did realize the time you woke up right?" as they said that Zain looked at the clock.

It was currently 1pm. Zain shrugged and got up "I'm gonna go take a bath" as he said that he left the kitchen.

He went to the bathroom and locked it. He took of his clothes and got in the washer. He picked up his coco soap and washed himself.

Once he was done he got out and walked to his room. He got in and changed into a nice black turtleneck it was chilly outside.

He finish changing and sat down. He looked over to the daisy he still had. It was kinda dying like the sunflower did.

He water it since he didn't water it the last time. He sat down and got the book and opened it he decided he was gonna write about last night.

-Oct, Tuesday 2014

Me and Harry's friends went to a party last night. I didn't know they planned to take me since I thought I was going to Louis grandmothers house but we never went. Did I regret going to the party? No I don't. I dance with Harry and his friends and drank a little. I was sober so I remember that me and Harry kissed and he asked me on a date on Friday. I'm very happy that I meet him.

He put the pencil inside of the book and closed it. He sighed and smiled he looked outside of the window.

He heard his phone buz and he looked over at it. He got up and walked to the night stand next to his bed. He grabbed his phone and looked at the notification he got. Harry texted him

Zain im sorry for kissing you last night are you mad at me?


Pls answer


Harry im not mad that you kissed me last night I'm actually happy you did. But do you regret it?

No i don't regret it at all

Im actually happy we kissed. Thank god I thought you where mad at me for a second.

No never Harry. I like you but more as a friend.

Read at 2:11pm

Zain sighed at put his phone down again. He got the charge and put it on his phone.

He left his room and went outside out of his house he needed to think everything.

Zain got in on his car and drove. He didn't know where he was going but he didn't stop driving. He turned the radio on and put on soft music.

He hum the lyrics of the song and looked at the rode. He didn't tell Louis or Liam where he was going he thought.

Maybe they would worry but he keep driving. He was feeling a little overwhelmed by Harry what if he didn't like him.

Harry was Zain first kiss and Harry said he didn't regret kissing him so why was he feeling like this?

Zain eyes where feeling heavy. He cried his vision was a little blurry. But he could see the road.

It was getting dark Zain didn't noticed he was driving for a hour. Sunrise was setting and Zain was still driving. He looked over and saw there was a parking lot infront of a mall.

He parked there and cried silently to himself. He was overthinking all of this. Zain put his head on his knees and cried for hours.

He turned his car off so he wouldn't waste more gas. He looked over at the clock it was currently 6pm.

Everybody might be worry but Zain just stayed there in the parking lot of a mall. He left his phone at home since he didn't wanted to see what Harry texted him.

He stayed there for a while before deciding to drive back home. His eyes where puffy and he was hungry he didn't eat but he decided to stop at a Wendy's and buy something to eat.

Hours later he got home. Louis hear the door and got up from the couch he look over Zain and noticed that he didn't look ok at all.

He decided to leave Zain alone since he knew he needed some time.

Zain walked to his room and locked it. He threw himself on his bed and ate the food that was already cold.

He sighed and decided to look over at the phone and saw a message from Harry saying

I like you too. I realized that I liked you since the first day we meet. You Zain Malik are so funny and lovely I love everything about you and I won't ever stop loving you.

Zain read the message and started crying again from happiness. He was overreacting earlier, Harry really loved him. He texted Harry back

I love you so much Harry thank you so much for theses amazing days that I had with you. I can't wait for Friday I love you so much. Im going to sleep goodnight love you

He put his phone down and he got up and through the bag form Wendy's in the trash can. He washed his mouth and got in the shower and cleaned himself.

Once he finish doing all of that he got to his bed and felt asleep.

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