Chapter four

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Cherry was with her mother today, so that means Harry woke up alone today. He did is normal routine and headed off to work.

He opened the flower shop with a key and got in. He walked in, it was quiet since Eve didn't have work today.

Harry had to be watering he plants today since she didn't work. But he first lay his stuff down and walked to the other part of the room.

He got in the glass room which was a pretty big room with different types of flowers. Some of them where growing and some of them where still seeds underneath dirt.

He went to the shed that was there and grabbed the watering tool. He went over to the plants that needed water and watered them.

Once he finish all of that he went back to his work place. He got behind the counter and sat down and waited.

Some costumers came in and bought flowers... mostly roses since today was Valentines-day. He didn't have anybody to spend that day with since he was alone.

Susan came by later and talked to Harry for a couple of minutes and then left. She bought a beautiful Pink Hibiscus for her lover Jack.

Jack was a old wise man Susan said. She talked about her lover sometimes, Harry realized how much Susan feel inlove with Jack.

She always did nice things for him like buy him flowers. She always came by and bought some flowers.

Harry's mind wonder to that guy Zain. He realized he never got his phone number and he might never see him again.

He put his head down in his desk and thought. Harry liked the guy he didn't want to lose him just yet.

Harry heard the bell ring. He quickly look up with hope but it wasn't Zain it was Niall one of Harry's friend "Hi"

"Hey" Harry waved giving him a small smile. Niall walked towards Harry and spoke up "How are you long time we haven't talk"

"I been good, I just been busy with work"

"Yeah I noticed"

"What about you? You finally get that girl?"

"Oh yes, We actually talked yesterday and I asked her on a date" Niall responded with a proud smile as Harry chuckled at him.

"That's great man, how did the date go?" Harry asked as Niall responded with "The date went wonderful, we went to the cinema we watched that movie called Annabelle"

"Isn't Annabelle a scary movie?"

"Yeah, but I was brave. She grabbed my hand"

"Yeah maybe since you where scared" Harry laughed as Niall playfully punched him.

They talked for a little. A little later Niall bought a beautiful Lily flower for the girl he had a crush on.

Niall then left the shop leaving Harry alone again.

Some costumers came in and bought diferentes types of flower but he was waiting for that special costumer to come.

He waited and waited for him.

It was his lunchtime and he got his food out and started eating. He watched funny videos on his phone to cheer himself up.

He ate his salad but then he received a call from his ex. He picked it up "Hello?"

"Hi, Cherry wants to talk to you"

"Ok then" he answered waiting to hear his daughters voice. Her daughter told him hi and they talked a little about her new work. She told him about the beautiful paints she did today with her mom.

They said their goodbyes and he hang up. He finished eating his food and threw it in the trash can.

He heard the bell ring and looked up. He saw him

He saw Zain entering the shop with a beautiful black turtleneck. He didn't have his glasses this time.

Harry quickly got up and went towards him "Hello Zain"

"Hi, um what's your name"

"It's Harry, Harry styles" I said shaking his hand playfully. Zain's hand where really soft.

Zain blushed and looked away from Harry. Harry then spoke up again asking "So what brings you here today?"

"I was gonna buy a Daisy for my room again." He spoke softly as Harry nodded and leaded him to the Daisy section.

Harry walked him there and Zain smiled a little. He walked and looked at all of the Daisy's they reminded of his mother. He took a specific Daisy in his hand and smiled.

The Daisy's where small but pretty. Zain turned around to see Harry staring. Harry turned his head quickly pretending as he was not looking at Zain.

Zain and Harry walked to the front counter. Zain got his wallet out of his pocket and took his credit card. Harry scanned the flower and told him how much it costed.

Zain bought the flower and gave Harry a small smile. Before he got away Harry spoke up "Zain"


"Can I ask you for you phone number?" Harry asked as Zain cheeks turned red.

Zain nodded as Harry gave him his phone to put his phone number down. Once Zain did that Harry looked at Zain's wrist and noticed he had a sunflower bracelet "That is a beautiful sunflower bracelet you have" he said as Zain blushed and replied with "Thank you" and then Harry waved him goodbye and Zain walked out.

Harry smiled to himself looking at Zain's number one his phone.

Later then Harry finished his work shift and closed the shop and left. He then later got to his house.

He thought of Zain the whole time.

Flower shop | Zarry Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat