Chapter three

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It was Wednesday morning and Zain Malik was sitting down looking outside the window. He was currently drawing the sunflower he bought yesterday.

He liked drawing it calmed him down. He found beautiful the drawings he made.

Zain was a simple man he didn't have much to do in his life. But he was thinking about yesterday...

Yesterday the day he meet with the green eye boy. He didn't know his name since Zain never asked him.

He took a break from his drawing and got up and walked to his door. He opened it and stepped inside of the hallway

He could hear Louis shouting at Liam about something and yes Zain Malik has roommates.

Both of his roommates are actually his best friends they do a lot of things together, he smiled to himself a little and walked to the kitchen.

He made it to the kitchen and sat down in the seat and started texting Louis

Louis get your ass in here mate.
Im in the kitchen btw.

Fine mate this better be important >:(

He laughed at little listening to Louis room opened. He heard Louis footsteps coming closer "What's up?"

"Hey I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to buy breakfast with Liam?"

"Yeah sure I will get Liam here, be right back" Louis said running back into the hallway. Zain got up from his seat and walked towards the front door.

He waited outside for Liam and Louis. The front door opened and Louis appeared dragging Liam from the hand.

"We are ready" Louis said

"No I wanna keep sleeping" Liam whined

"Stop whining we are getting breakfast" Louis responded practically glaring at Liam. We all walked to the car and got in.

Louis sat down in the backseat, Zain sat in driver seat, and Liam sat on front.

Liam looked at Zain and said "Where were you yesterday?"

"I was at a flower shop didn't I tell you?" He responded

"Yes you did but you came back with a fluster face"

"OOOH WHAT HAPPENED" Louis said nearly screaming in their ears. Louis put both of his hands of both side of the seats on front.

"It's nothing" Zain said looking at rode seeing a Burger King near by. He drove there and stoped at the parking lot.

All of them got out of the car and walked inside of inside. There where a lot of kids running around with the toys in their hands.

Zain remember when he used to ask for his mom for a happy meal just to get one of those toys. He smiled to himself walking to the line of people.

Both Louis and Liam sat down waiting for Zain to come back with their orders. Liam and Louis played Among us for a while.

A while later Zain game back with their breakfast and they started eating. Louis glared at Zain and said "Don't I forgot the conversation we where having earlier, come on spill"

Zain took a bite of his breakfast before saying "Well I meet someone there" he said quietly "Who?" Liam asked

"I didn't ask for their name" Zain responded

"Aw you where to shy or something" Liam said chuckling a little

"S-Shut up" Zain said quickly taking a other bite of his breakfast.

Once they finish eating they got out of the place and went back to Zain's car. Their next stop was the mall since Louis said he needed some new clothes for tomorrow.

They stoped at a mall and got out of the car. All of them went in the mall and walked. Louis saw a Hot Topic and went in all of them followed behind.

Louis looked through all of the clothes trying to find one that he liked. Zain was with Liam looking at a other area where they had cute accessories.

Liam picked a cute bear key chain as Zain commented on how cute that was. Liam told Zain took pick a accessories too and he did. He looked through all of the accessories and found one he liked. It was a sunflower bracelet.

Louis then came back with some clothes he picked. They all walked to the front counter and payed for the stuff.

They got out of that shop and Liam asked if they could go to a pet store and Louis nodded as I walked behind them two. Once we made it to the pet shop Liam started running pulling Louis with him.

Zain looked around the shop seeing all types of animals in different sections. He walked to the cat section and saw all diferentes types of cats.

He looked at a black cat that had one fang out and beautiful green eyes. The cat meowed at him and he smiled at the cat.

He put his hand through the cage and pet the cat. He cat purred and rubbed its head in his hand.

Zain smiled a little until he felt someone taping his shoulder. He turned around and saw a young lady looking at him

"Hi, are you that guy from the flower shop that talked to my friend. You know the green eye one"

"Oh yeah, um so what's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that green eye guy is crushing on you" She said giving Zain a wink

"Um and who are you exactly?"

"I'm Eve I work at the flower shop too" she said proudly putting both of her hands in her hips. Zain analyzed her a little her hair was brunette and she had grey-ish blue eyes. She also had freckles all over her face.

"Eve there you are" said a male voice that Zain kinda recognized. He turned to see the male standing behind Zain.

It was the green eye boy. The one Zain saw at the flower shop. The one who has a crush on him...?

"Hi there Zain" the green eye boy said smiling at Zain putting his hand on his shoulder. Zain blushed and looked away while Eve laughed

"Y'all literally so cute" Eve said jumping up and down from happiness. Harry looked at her and glared at her playfully.

Louis and Liam then arrived running back toward Zain "Zain man we where looking for you" said Louis looking at the two people who where next to Zain

"Zain who are these people?"

"U-Um their are just some people I meet at a flower shop"

"OMG THE IS THAT THE ONE-" Liam was cut off by Zain putting hand on his mouth quickly. He turned back to Eve and the green eyed boy and said "Well I better get going it was nice talking to y'all" he said quickly before dragging Louis and Liam out of there.

They all got in the car Louis was gonna drive this time since Zain was to tired. Zain sat in the backseat of the car and lay his head down. And He slowly well asleep.

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