Q&A/Questions and Answers

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Dave Miller: Why hello there readers it's me Dave and I'm gonna be collecting the questions you guys have and when we have enough questions Dush20 is gonna answer them so go ahead and ask your questions right down here. 'Points to the part that has questions for the Author' Anyways I'm gonna go hang out with Old Sport and I would like to thank Dush20 for letting me be here and helping him with this since he's been busy coming up with 2 Yandere Neptunia stories. 'Phone rings' Oh hold up gotta take this.'Answers phone' 'Speaking on the phone' 'Ends call' Ok Dush20 just called and wanted to know if you guys would like a chapter we're all of the followers and some writers are chatting and hanging out. he's been working on the other stories he wants them to be really good so you won't have to be like this is boring, this is weird, who's ever gonna read it, why is he taking so long, get on with it. He has a lot in work right now. Goodbye and see you guys around. 'Leaves the place'


Also have you figured out the clues of the one who's been watching over us? Are observer/Watcher. If not here's another hint she's a yokai Incase the clues didn't help.

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