1) A Teacher's Assistant?

Start from the beginning


"Apologies for frightening you all, it's a part of my quirk." Y/n smiled.

Aizawa took over, "Alright, now that that's cleared up, does anyone wanna volunteer to combat L/n?"

"I'll wipe the floor with that extra." A gruff voice spoke

"Ok Bakugo, you're up."

Y/n faced him, "I must inform you that there'll be no wiping, but I'll certainly come out as the victor."

Bakugo's face contorted in confusion, then he scowled. Only some could properly understand what she said. (A/N: I think you could imagine who, and definitely Momo because she's a queen and knows her languages👑💅✨)

Aizawa counted down,




Bakugo immediately tried to blast Y/n,...... however.......


Bakugo immediately stopped and stood in his position like a statue. Y/n had the carved piece of wood out, and pointed at Bakugo.

The class erupted into chatter,

"What just happened?!?!"

"What did she do?!

"She stopped Bakugo in like a second!!!"

Midoriya was rapidly taking notes.

Aizawa shut the class up, "Ok let him go

"Alright....." 'I suppose I'll need a shield'

With a wave of her wand, Bakugo moved again, only to start screeching.

"WHAT THE HELL D'YOU DO TO ME!!!" He ran at her.

'Protego.....' A shield blocked Bakugo and protected Y/n who looked exasperated.

"I just immobilized your entire body, that's all. It was a duel, and I didn't want to hurt you."

Bakugo was extremely grumpy the rest of the class.

Meanwhile the rest of the class was shocked at the amount of power Y/n had, as well as control.

Todoroki wasn't an exception, although he only really wondered what the true limits of her power were.
'Just what kind of quirk does she have?.........'

It was now the end of the day, and Midoriya was questioning Y/n about her quirk.

"Well I call my quirk wizardry, and with this, what I call a wand." She lifted it up, "I can perform different things by saying incantations and doing gestures. Some can be done non-verbally."

Midoriya was quickly scribbling details inside his notebook, "Uh huh...... a-anything else?"

"I'm able to shift into a cheetah at will, and I can appa- I mean teleport...... I'm able to take a couple people with me...... but for the first few times it's.......rather uncomfortable....."

Midoriya nodded his head furiously, "Thank you!! This is amazing information!!"

"Well if that's all..... I really must be going now......"

"Yeah Thanks!! Bye L/n!!!"

"Call me Y/n please, and goodbye!!"

Y/n learned the names of all the class 1-A students and became acquainted with some of the 1-B students. Sometimes she would help out Recovery Girl with healing students.

.......Well Recovery Girl would let her do most of the work since healing spells didn't drain their stamina, neither did the potions.

News of Y/n's existence spread across the campus. Many students passing by would try to get a look at her, and so did the ones in the infirmary.

Many of them had the same question, "What kind of quirk does she have?"

(Down below will be couple more of your interactions with U.A until the sports festival in the next chapter)

Bakugo was yet again screaming and yelling in class, and Aizawa was not happy.

"Y/n, please."

"Yes Aizawa........."
She went to the screeching Bakugo, "Quietus...."

Bakugo's very loud yelling softened to a little more than a whisper. He swiveled his head towards Y/n, "What the hell?"

"I was just fulfilling Aizawa's request...... and my own."

'Thank you......'

She shifted to to her cat form and hopped into Aizawa's sleeping bag. Her furry head poking out.

Aizawa stroked her soft fur to which she purred.


Y/n was in her cat form roaming the cafeteria. She had already eaten, and didn't want the students bombarding her with questions so this was her solution.

She felt a bit cold so she scurried to the table where Todoroki usually sat.

On instinct she rubbed up against his left leg where he exerted warmth.

"What the?-" He said mid slurp and looked down to see what was causing the unfamiliar sensation.

A white Maine Coon cat with what he can see had a very unique heart shaped silver marking was curled around his left leg. It seemed familiar, like he's seen this cat before.

He gulped down the noodles, and tried confirming his suspicions by asking said cat, "L/n is that you?..."

She opened her eyes to reveal her E/c irises. Y/n proceeded to nod her head, confirming his suspicions.

"Why are you here?"

She just climbed up the seat and onto his lap, her head on the left side of his body, and meowed.

Todoroki was unsure as to what he should do.
On the one hand he kinda wanted to pat her head, but on the other hand, she was really a human and he didn't want to be disrespectful. Plus he didn't know her well, although he found her quirk to be rather intriguing.

His thoughts were cut off by Y/n nudging his left arm a bit and meowing, trying to get closer to his hand.

'Does she..... want me to pet her?...'

He moved his left hand over her furry head and gave it a gentle pet.

To his surprise, Y/n leaned into his touch and purred loudly, snuggling more into him

Well what do you expect? His hand is warm and she's a cat.

Although it was tiny, the edges of his lips quirked up, just a bit.

(A/N: I'm a MEGA Potterhead as well so that's why I created this book. I hope you all enjoy!!)

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