
The next day started beautifully. It was pretty outside and the clear sky announced a wonderful evening. To bad Meli got herself a detention. First period was Defense Against the Dark Art with Mr. Lupin. When the students walked into the class, they were all surprised. Every desk was pushed against the wall and an old wardrobe stood right in the middle of the room.

"Well hello students!" joyfully welcomed Professor Lupin. "Today we'll be learning, or confronting, a Boggart"

Whispers ran through the room. Students who didn't know what it was asking their their friends what the hell was a Boggart and the ones who know panicking a little. A Griffindor finally asked what half the people in the room were wondering. Professor Lupin's expression turned serious.

"Is one of you able to precise what exactly is a Boggart?" he asked

Hermione Granger, that knows-it-all, raised her hand before anyone else and was given the permission to speak. God that girl was annoying. Couldn't she restrain from showing everyone how smart she was?

"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so - "

"Terrifying, yes" interrupted the Professor. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we?Without wands, please... Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" said the voices of the 30 or so student standing.

"It's this class that's ridiculous" muttered Draco.

"Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?" continued the teacher.

After a franckly pitiful demonstration by the Gryffindor, students lined up in front of the wardrobe. They went on and finally, the trio of friend's turn arrived. Jane went first and like Meli predicted, the dead body of Cedric Diggory suddenly appeared on the floor. The poor girl felt down before saying the incantation. Her face was very pale and she was shacking, still looking at where the Boggart was a few seconds ago. Meli hold her for a moment before passing her over to Draco and turning back to face the creature.

The blurry masse floating in front of her began to metamorphose and soon enough, what was facing her couldn't be more clear. Draco and Jane. Talking. Nothing else was there. Just a pitch black background and her two best friends. The two teenagers slowly turned and spoke in coordination.

"Who are you?" said the twin voices.

"What - im your best friend!" cuffed Meli , offended.

"Sorry we don't know you" and they disappear into the darkness. Meli tried running after them put bumped against someone else. Her eyes shot up.

"Dad?" asked Meli with disbelief.

"Im sorry young girl but could you move out of the way we are very late" said Henry Hiddleston, the girls father. His face was covered by a dark beard and his piercing eyes didn't even bother to look down at Meli.

"Henry darling, don't be rude to her!" said a voice next to the tall men. Meli snapped her head to see her mother forming herself just under her eyes.

"Mom???" cried Meli with despair.

"I am deeply sorry hon but you've got the wrong person" answered Jillian Hiddleston with a sweet, comforting smile. But then the two adults walked away, leaving Meli's arms hanging in the air and tears running on her cheeks. She couldn't stand anymore. The young girl curled up on the floor as teachers, classmates, childhood friends and even people she disliked with all her heart, walked pass her. Ignoring her.

Meli felt like she couldn't breathe anymore, like something was blocking her throat and kept the air from making its way to her lungs. People forgetting her. That was her biggest fear. She just couldn't stand the fact of not existing in her friends mind. She couldn't accept the possibility of her parents not remembering her. It made her feel so alone and being alone was not good. It felt wrong, like anything could happen to her and nobody would ever remark it.

All of the sudden, she could breath again. Professor Lupin had pronounced the incantation and pushed back the Boggart into it's wardrobe. He was now kneeling next to Meli, inspecting her.

"Miss Hiddleston, I am deeply sorry for what happened." The girl tried speaking but was to tired to do so. The teacher handed her a pieced chocolate. "You should be ok soon enough but eat this first. It always help"

Meli ate carefully and slowly gained energy again. Sure, she would be very tired later, but right now she felt better.

"I am fine to continue don't worry" she said, whipping the residue of tears off her face.

"No doubt you are but I'll still ask for you to skip the afternoon's classes"

Meli protested but Professor Lupin was set on this decision. She grumbled ans stood up apparently a little to soon because the world tangled around her. Two strong arms caught her before she felt once again on her back.

"If you don't mind, Professor, I'd like to take Meli back at her dormitory." said Malfoy's voice just behind her head.

"Of course not Malfoy. You too should get some rest before your detention."

The teenagers grunted and left the class.


A/N: sooooo I kinda like this chapter cauz it's really long and you can see both a little of the Malfoys and of the Hiddleston (although I don't know where I'm going with these ones yet) and there's a lot of stuff going on.
Hope you enjoined!


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