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The clattering of chairs being pushed away from a desk filled the Defense Against the Dark Art's classroom. Draco and Blaise walked out quickly, soon followed by Jane. When that last one felt Meli's hesitation, she interrogated her in a glance. The blond girl nodded in the door's direction.

You can go, i'll catch up with you later.

Jane smiled and skipped in her black platforms to the Hufflepuff common room. It was the last class of the day and her and Cedric has planned a date in the snow-covered park.

It had only two days after Meli was freed, as she called it, from Draco and they almost haven't spoke since then. It was weird not having the tall silhouette behind her all the time and she wasn't sure what that meant. She was relieved but at the same time, she liked feeling like Draco was there if anything happened to her. It was reassuring. And it's because this constant presence wasn't there anymore that she was still here, in the DADA classroom, after school hours. With Harry Potter.

The famous Potter stood there awkwardly, visibly wanting to say something but apparently not knowing how to. He finally opened his mouth to say what's been bothering him but Lupin's office door slammed behind the teacher.

"Can I help you with something Miss Hiddleston?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes sir, actually I-" started Meli. However, she stopped and looked at Potter who was still standing in front of his desk. The room went silent before Potter realized he was intruding and walked sideways towards the exit before blushing hard. He did some confused signs with his hand and mumbled something about waiting on the other side.

Professor Lupin smiled and turned back to Meli. The girl balanced herself on her two foot. "So, uh, I wanted to ask you if I could try to fight off the Boggart again"

The teacher tilted his head to the side. "And why so?" he asked with a kind voice.

"I need to prove to myself I can do it."

Meli held eye contact with Professor Lupin until he looked toward the corner of the classroom.

The old wardrobe was standing between a desk and a wall. Now that she was in a more relaxed environment, the buzzing sound of students absent, she could look at it more carefully. Small details were carved on the wood of the doors. Plants, stars and what she supposed to be wind. The wood was used by time and little pieces of it missed from place to place.

"Are you ready?" asked Lupin. Meli nodded and the man open the wardrobe.

The same masse that made her shiver last time appeared, swirling, stretching, changing its form to finally spread all around Meli. This time, she knew what was gonna happened so she took time to observe what was going on. The masse covered everywhere she could lay her eyes on. Professor Lupin, the classroom, the desks and the paintings on the walls, all, were covered by black before she could say anything.

Her shaking hand rose and pointed toward the duo walking up to her. Draco's and Jane's forms began to appear more clearly as they made their way to Meli. The blond girl took an inspiration and closed her eyes. She counted to three and opened them again to find her best friends staring at her with indifference. Jane open her mouth and - "Ridikulus"

The pitch black background swirled, enveloping in its way Draco and Jane, and seemed to hesitate for a short instant. It froze in the air before splashing down on the floor and before her eyes, Meli saw the masse transforme itself in Professor Dossi. The woman appeared confused but recomposed herself quickly. She began to point her index in Meli's direction, furious. The teacher took a step front but didn't even have time to go further as the floor opened under her feet and she disappeared.

Meli was lost. Was her teacher dying supposed to be funny? I mean, it is a little, she thought with a smile. But then she walked to the hole into which Professor Dossi fell and laughed. The potion teacher was there, in what seemed to be some sort of ditch, covered in dirt. She was fighting to stand up but kept slipping on the mud and falling.

Meli was still smiling when Professor Lupin flicked his wrist and with his wand, sent the Boggart back into the cabinet. "Well done Miss Hiddleston. Though i don't know if i should be worried about what you apparently think is funny" he said, the corner of his lips going up.

"Don't worry, i have nothing against you Professor" said Meli with a smile. The man laughed and shook his head. He was probably the only teacher she could joke with and for that, she hope he wouldn't be under the curse of the DADA job.

"Have a good day Professor" Meli told him before taking her books and going to the door.

"You too Miss Hiddleston! And tell Mr Potter he can come in on your way out" he answered, walking to his desk.

Meli left the classroom and kept the door open.Saint Potter was sitting on the ground, leaning on the brick wall. "Potter, your turn"

The boy stumbled up and stood, facing her, looking slightly uncomfortable. Meli raised an eyebrow and took a step back, allowing him to enter the classroom. Merlin that boy was awkward. Meli laughed at him in her head and walked away.

"Hiddleston wait!" screamed Potter. The girl looked at him over her shoulder. "You're friend Blaise, he's single, right?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck, causing his hair to be even more messed up.

A smile slowly made its way on Meli's face. "You could go ask him yourself, you know?"

Potter rolled his eyes. "Yeah like Malfoy is gonna let me close enough for that"

"Right" she said before turning back to keep walking. Potter screamed behind her "Common Hiddleston, just tell me already!"

"He's single Potter, but i bet you're not the only one interested so don't waste your time" she shouted over her shoulder, still walking. She turned a corner and started to run. She knew one particular Slytherin boy who would be happy with this conversation.


A/N: Y'all harry is so awkward i love it. Also, Lupin is elite. Please vote, share and remember i always love to read your comments!
Hope you enjoyed,


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