Chapter Sixteen: Jet Pack Blues

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I've got those jet pack blues

Fight off the light and just stay with me

Honey, don't you leave

Don't you remember how we used to split a drink

It never mattered what it was, I think

Our hands were just that close

The sweetness never lasted, no

~"Jet Pack Blues" by Fall Out Boy


Chapter Sixteen: Jet Pack Blues

*Still in Everett's POV*

The kiss lasted only a few seconds before I pulled away. Kennedy's eyes will filled with shock, and I swam back. "I'm sorry, I didn't..." I started, but she swam towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Just stop talking," she breathed, and brought her lips back to mine. My hands went directly to her waist, and the other cupped her neck, pulling her as close as possible. Her soft lips molded into mine, making me smile into the kiss.

We both pulled away in a few minutes when we were out of breath. Her green eyes glistened in the sunlight. She moved away from me, and swam towards the shore. I quickly followed, and by the time I made it there, she was already drying off and putting on her sweater over her bikini. She pulled her blonde hair into a bun, and pulled on her jeans.

"We should probably head back," she said, turning around, and began walking to her car. I grabbed her wrist before she could get very far. I pulled her into another kiss, but this one only lasted a couple of seconds. I pulled away, and rested my forehead against hers.

"Please," I pleaded. "Just let's let today be a good day. We can deal with all of this shit tomorrow," I replied, grabbing both of her hands in mine.

"Okay," she said, grabbing my face and kissing me again. Little did I know this would be the last time I would kiss her for a while.


After spending another hour at the lake, I drove Kennedy home, and we sang along to the ridiculous songs on the radio. When we pulled into the school parking lot (so I could pick up my car), Kennedy turned to me. "I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, see you," I replied, getting out of the car. It was nearly four in the afternoon, so the parking lot was practically empty. I made my way to my own car, unlocking the door and getting inside. Kennedy was long gone- she said she had to drive her friend to the airport. I sat in my car for a few minutes, trapped in my own thoughts. She probably hates me now, I thought to myself. I ruined any chance of me being with her.

My mind was racing uncontrollably, making me realize I would never be good enough for her. Making me realize she didn't deserve to be with an asshole like me. I hit my head once against the headrest, and I had made up my mind. I dialed the familiar phone number, and heard the haunting voice on the other side.

"Hello?" she asked, almost surprised to be getting a call from me.

"Brianna? Can you be at my house in fifteen minutes?"


Kennedy Everson's POV

"He did what?" Charlotte asked in disbelief. We were on our way to the airport, and I had just told her the events of what happened on me and Everett's little "adventure".

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