Chapter One: Think Of You

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I still think of you

And all the shit you put my through

And I know you were wrong

~"Think of You" by MS MR


Chapter One: Think of You

My first day of school was finally here. The first day of my senior year at Jay High School.

I got up that morning bright and early and hopped in the shower. I got out after twenty minutes, and stood in my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. In the new house we lived in, I had a walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom.

I finally decided on a black bustier top, distressed denim high-waisted shorts, a floral cardigan, and black combat boots. I also put on makeup for the first time in forever. When I done with that, I curled my long, blonde hair. To finish my outfit, I added a small cross necklace.

When I headed down the stairs, I wasn't surprised to find the house empty. I entered the kitchen, to find a note my mother had left me.

Have a good day at school dear. And don't forget, you have to drive yourself to school today, so you'll have to look up directions. I love you Kennedy. ~Mom

Of course. In my parent's world, work always came before family. There were countless occasions I would have to miss my parents. Christmas after Christmas, I was left by myself. But I wasn't going to let that bother me.

I glanced at the time above the stove, and realized I was running a little late. I quickly grabbed a yogurt and an iced coffee from the fridge, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door, only to be hit with a massive wave of heat. It was already almost eighty degrees outside, so I knew we were in for a hot one today. When I looked up the weather this morning, it said it was going to be in the low nineties. That's Texas weather for you.

I entered my jeep wrangler, put on my sunglasses, and programmed my phone to tell me where I was going.

When I finally got to my new school, I left my sunglasses on, and exited my car. I could feel a lot of people staring at me. Come on Kennedy, keep it together, Kennedy. I thought to myself. Walk in there like you own the place. As I entered, I could hear the whispers.

"Who's the new girl?"

"Man, she's hot."

"That girl's so skinny. What does she weigh, like five pounds?"

When I finally entered the school, I found the front office pretty quickly.

"Excuse me ma'am? I'm new here and is this where I pick up my schedule?" I asked the office secretary, trying to keep my confidence radiating off of me.

"Yes, my dear. Now, what's your name?" She asked.

"Everson. Kennedy Everson," I replied, my legs nervously shaking.

"Okay, dear. Just sit down while I have one of our Honors Society students come get you and give you a tour and then show you to your locker and next class. Okay?" she asked, looking straight at me.

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