"Calm down, Draco." Y/n said to the now angry boy. "I still have clothes in my dorm room." Y/n explained, Draco nodding and also walking away.

After school finished for the day, y/n went to her dorm room, feeling nervous to see Hermione. She stepped into her room, Hermione looking up from her book and rolling her eyes at y/n. Y/n walked over to her wardrobe and pulling out some casual clothes, dressing in the bathroom and fixing her makeup before leaving to go to the Slytherin common room, knocking on the door.

"Y/l/n!" Blaise cheered, opening the door, a cup in his hand only what y/n presumed was alcohol of some sort. Blaise dragged y/n into the common room, his arm draped around y/n's neck. 

Y/n scanned the room and caught sight of Draco in sitting in a leather arm chair, his eyes focused on y/n, his fingers resting in his hair as he rested the side of his head on it, the other hand circling the rim of his half-filled cup.

He watched as y/n grabbed a drink from the table, bringing his own up to his pink lips and feeling the burn of whiskey trail down his throat. Y/n sat down next to Blaise, fanning her hand in the air to avoid breathing in whatever he was smoking.

Draco watched her, not being able to hear what her and Blaise spoke about, but hearing their laughter over the music as y/n's cheeks grew pinker from the alcohol. He grew jealous. Jealous of the fact that he couldn't sit next to her. He wanted to, but not now, not today. 

"Draco?" Pansy spoke sweetly, waving her fingers in front of his eyes, snapping out of his trance. He gazed up at her, blinking slowly her in response.

"What Pansy?" He lightly slurred, taking another sip of his drink, moving his hand off the arm of the chair as soon as Pansy sat down on it, resting a leg over his knee.

"We haven't been alone in a while..." She spoke, fiddling with the collar of his button up. "We should go to your room, I miss it." Pansy suggested, Draco scoffing a bit and glancing over at y/n who was watching with furrowed brows.

"Why? Isn't Blaise good enough?" Draco spoke, sipping at his drink again. Pansy looked at where he was looking and smirked at y/n. Of course she knew what was going on. Pansy was smarter than she seemed, she had watched them sneak into a broom closet from time to time.

"No." Pansy pouted at him, stroking at his hair and moving her head closer to his ear. "And don't act like I don't know about what you and that Mudblood have been getting up to. What a shame if your father knew about it." She whispered in his ear, Draco's nostrils flaring and his jaw clenching.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Draco seethed, looking at Pansy, who had a smirk lingering on her lips. How did she know? "You don't know shit."

"Oh come on, Draco, I've been watching." Pansy chuckled. Draco threw her legs off him, standing up and stomping off, walking past y/n as he stormed into his room, Pansy following him, glancing down at y/n as she walked past.

"Hey, Blaise, is Draco okay?" Y/n spoke to Blaise, who raised an eyebrow at her. Y/n felt uneasy.

"He's probably just throwing another tantrum." Blaise shrugged at y/n, who rolled her eyes at Blaise and standing up. "Okay fine. Wait for me."

Draco sat on the side of his bed, his head in his hands in frustration. He was angry. He knew that Pansy would tell his father, she would go that far, and well, Draco wasn't ready for that just yet. He let out a groan and he heard the door open, looking up to see Pansy standing in front of him. 

"Leave me the fuck alone, Parkinson." He grumbled at her, rage in his eyes. 

"Oh, Darling." Pansy pouted. "Remember when you used to call me that when we fucked? do you call her that too?" Pansy watched as Draco's breathing became altered in anger.

"Shut the fuck up!" Draco roared, his fists clenching the sheets underneath him. Pansy grinned and grabbed his cheeks.

"One last one, for the show." Pansy whispered, pressing her lips to his, Draco's hands going to her waist to push her off him.

"What.. the fuck?" Draco heard from the doorway, Pansy pulling away from Draco. 

Draco looked at y/n. He felt sick. He stumbled up from his bed, pushing Pansy away from where he was.

"Y/n it's not-" Draco rushed out, but was cut off by y/n.

"Don't give me that." Y/n spoke, Draco looking into her teary eyes. "I gave you everything. I left my friends for you! Everything, Draco. Fucking everything!" She yelled at him, people rushing behind her to see what the commotion was about, whispers clouding y/n's mind.

"Please. Let me explain!" Draco pleaded, but Pansy was laughing at them. 

"Please, Y/l/n, Did you think it was going to last?" Pansy grinned at her. "All Draco does is fuck and move on, I'm sure you didn't figure that out sooner. Oh! And let's face it, you're just a Mudblood." Pansy shrugged, a tear falling from y/n's eye as she blinked.

Y/n looked up at Draco, who was just staring at her, a frown on his face, eyes watery, but the tears easily blinked away. His heart cracked when y/n turned around and walked through the crowd of people.

Once she left the common room, she ran. She ran back to her own common room, back to the place she belonged. Y/n barged in, leaning up against the door, tears falling from her eyes. She looked up and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron staring at her, looking up from their texts books.

"I guess you were all right." Y/n spoke, her voice cracking. Harry furrowed his brows at her and let out a sigh. 

"Come on then." Harry mumbled, patting the seat next to him. Y/n walked over to the seat, sitting down next to Harry and leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I lied to you all." Y/n sniffled, Harry rubbing her back. "I was stupid."

Draco was sat in his bed, his door locked as he tried to write to her on his palm, but every time the ink would fade almost instantly. 

'I'm sorry.'

'It wasn't what it seems.'

'Please talk to me.'

Draco let out a sigh and shut his eyes. He hoped that this one last thing would get her attention.

'I love you.'

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