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"Intriguing isn't it?" Professor Lupin spoke as the students stared at the shaking cabinet. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what might be inside?" He questioned, walking around the group of students.

"That's a boggart, Sir." A student from the back spoke up and Lupin smiled at them. 

"Very good. Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Lupin spoke clearly, looking around the classroom, waiting for someone to answer.

"No one knows." Hermione spoke up from next to y/n. "Boggarts are shape shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-" Hermione was cut off by Lupin.

"So terrifying. Yes, yes, yes." Professor Lupin continued as the cabinet thrashed around harder. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel the boggart." He spoke, turning around briefly to look at the cabinet, then looked back to the class. "Lets practice it now. After me. Ridiculous."

"Ridiculous." The class called out and Lupin nodded.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco muttered and looked around the room. He saw y/n's side profile and he felt his heart rumble. Draco rolled his eyes when he saw Harry poking at y/n's shoulder, trying to get her attention. 

Draco didn't know if he should feel anger at her comment from yesterday; when they had made out in his bed. Her voice saying 'What? Did you really think we were going to fuck right now?' repeated through his head over again. Then she left him. Left him to attend her class. He was undoubtedly frustrated, mentally and sexually, and it had been all her fault.

Suddenly the students fled from the room as Lupin and Harry stood at the front of the class. Y/n had pushed past Draco, in attempt not to get crushed by students. He grabbed her hand, turning her towards him. Y/n looked up at him, biting her bottom lip nervously. 

"Can we talk?" He whispered and y/n looked around the classroom briefly, looking to see if Hermione was still in the room. She was. Y/n looked back up at Draco with a sigh.

"Astronomy tower in 15, bring food. I'm starving and wasting my lunch break on you." She muttered and he nodded, letting go of y/n's hand and watching her run off with the other students. 

Draco fled from his friends and hurriedly made his way to the great hall, picking up a plate and putting sandwiches and fruit on it. He grabbed two bottles of pumpkin juice, stuffing them into his bag. He was about to exit the great hall when he say Crabbe and Goyle making their way to him. 

"Where are you going, Malfoy?" Goyle asked, eyeing his plate of food. Draco gulped.

"Studying for potions. Snape will beat my ass if I don't get any better." Draco lied, looking over their shoulder, trying to get away from his two friends. Crabbe squinted his eyes at Draco and then shrugged, moving aside so Draco could get through.

Meanwhile, y/n was staring over at Hogwarts at the astronomy tower. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned around to Draco holding out a plate of food. She smiled and grabbed the plate, sitting down on the floor and leaning up against the wall, placing the plate next to her so that Draco could also grab food when he sat down next to her.

"You wanted to talk?" Y/n mumbled, biting into a sandwich, watching as Draco sat down next to her, pulling out two bottles from his bag and placing them on the floor. He sighed, looking at her. 

"What are you doing?" He huffed, pulling his knee up and resting his wrist on it. Y/n furrowed her brows at him.

"I'm eating?" She squinted at him, confused as to what he meant.

"No. What are you doing?" He asked again, staring at her as she looked at him, confusion written on her face. Y/n was confused, she hadn't known what he had meant. "To me. What are you doing to me?" He added, y/n gulping down her food. "You are driving me crazy." He sighed, resting his head on the wall.

"I don't - I don't know." Y/n stuttered, looking at the floor and putting her food on the plate. "I'm not doing anything." Draco clenched his jaw at her, huffing out loud. 

"You left me yesterday - hard as a fucking rock, and I can't stop thinking about you!" Draco ranted, y/n's eyes widening in shock. "I think I like you." He spoke quietly and y/n's heart lurched and she blinked at him. 

She liked him, but knew it wouldn't work. She felt her heart burst, but also break. All he and his family cared about was blood status. The whole thing would be forbidden.

"Draco..." She whispered, looking at the floor. "We can't." She mumbled picking up a bottle of pumpkin juice, standing up and grabbing her bag that she had put on the floor earlier. Draco watched her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why?" He asked, also standing up. He was confused, but he knew deep down also why.

"Because, you are an asshole, and that goes for your entire family also." Y/n shrugged. "Thanks for lunch." Y/n left Draco alone to process what she had just called him and his family.

Y/n found her way to her friends, Draco on her mind. She sat down with a furious Hermione.

"Where have you been?" Hermione huffed, her arms crossed. Shit. Y/n scrambled to find an excuse.

"Lady issues?" Y/n muttered out and Ron cringed at her response. It was the best thing y/n could think off, though it wasn't true.

"It doesn't matter." Hermione sighed. "We need to get back at Malfoy." She informed y/n, who didn't know the situation.

"Wait what did he do?" Y/n asked, looking at the group of friends who rolled their eyes at her. 

"His father is going to get Buckbeak killed!"

Hehe. Malfoy is gone squishyyy. Sorry if this one is short, this is sort of a filler chapter! xx

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