You rounded the corner out of the hallway, full force colliding with someone. The impact nearly sent you falling back, had it not been for the strong hands that had managed to grab your arm before gravity could take its toll on you. You looked up at Dabi in surprise.

His eyes met yours, his brows creased in something between curiosity and worry. Like a needle popping a balloon in an empty room, you had to use every fibre in your body to fight against the lump in your throat. You could feel your lower lip quiver ever so slightly. "Y/N?", the gentleness in his voice didn't help much. You clenched your teeth so hard that it actually started hurting. His hand was still firmly, but gently, wrapped around your arm, keeping you steady. He raised an eyebrow at your silence. In an futile attempt to explain yourself, you tried to take a deep breath to steady yourself, but it came out as a quiet sob.

"Shh", he hushed, to your surprise suddenly pulling your arm pressing you to his chest. Mentally you were beyond shocked, but it was if though your mind and body weren't connected as one anymore, because as your mind froze, your body went limp, slumping against Dabi and light tears rolled over the brims of your eyes. His hug was awkward, but it was probably the nicest thing he had ever done to you - or anyone; you could imagine. For reasons 'unknown', the last thought made you want to smile.

"I hate him", you mumbled, your words slurry with quiet sobs, "I want to punch him in the throat and slam him through a wall". You felt a light chuckle shake Dabi's chest. "You're the size of his big toe", Dabi stated, you could hear the smile in his voice. "I'll shoot him first", you muttered, smiling, despite tears still flowing down your face. He snickered softly, before taking the file from your hands, his other arm strongly wrapped around you.

You couldn't remember how you'd gotten up the stairs, but the next moment you were in your room on your couch. The file was on the coffee table, you had your knees up to your chin, your face pressed into your hands as Dabi sat beside you quietly. You couldn't even verbally explain the amount of effort you were putting into trying to swallow your sobs. You were supposed to be angry, not crying. You couldn't help yourself. Jason had been acting so strange for so many days now, the strange occurrences with the men from the lab on top of that, it got too much. The Jason thing wrecked you the most, though. You could feel yourself losing him, and it felt so wrong. He had been your best friend your entire life; been through nearly everything with you and now, alas, the gap between you was that of strangers. Why? It was the only question you could ask yourself. Was it you? Was it him? Why? Why where you drifting apart? Why was everything going to shit?

"I'm sorry", you repeated again, "I'm trying to stop crying, I swear". Dabi scoffed, you felt him shifting on the couch. Something prodded against your thigh, making you look up from your hands. It was Dabi's foot. He had stretched himself out on the couch and was staring at nothing in specific as he took a deep breath. "Y'know", he mumbled, "I think it's fine for you to cry. Nobody cares. Do whatever you want, Y/N. Cry as much as you want. If it makes you feel better, do it". You stared at him, unsure of how to respond.

"What I'm saying is, who cares", he explained, looking at you now "I don't. The stars don't care what we do. You don't owe the world shit. Cry anyways because why spend your eighty years on this rock, miserable and forcing yourself to pretend your fine. The sun is going to blow up and we're all going to die someday. Do what you want Y/N. It's okay". You puffed your cheeks, trying to stop another onslaught of tears. "Y'know, you're such a narcissist. It's not like you talk about your feelings or whatever all the time", you mumbled. Dabi chuckled. "What? Do you want me to burst into tears too?", he joked. You rolled your eyes. "It would make me feel less stupid", you pointed out.

He shook his head, glancing at you. "Maybe if we meet again in the next life", he mumbled quietly. You were about to question him on the strange statement, yet a knock on the door interrupted you before you had the chance. "Y/N?", it was Jason, "can I talk to you? I'm sorry about before". Dabi sent you a wary glance. You shook your head, answering his unasked question. "No, it's fine. I'll go", you mumbled, standing up.

Dabi leaned back, putting his arms behind his head. "Hey, Y/N", he mumbled, making you turn around to face him. He pursed his lips a moment before answering. "If he does anything ... kick his ass".

A smile made its way to your lips. You rolled your eyes playfully, waving him off. "I'm offended you expected anything less", you mumbled, catching a smirk by Dabi himself before walking towards the door.

You opened the door to find Jason standing there, a neutral expression on his face. "Can I come in?", he asked slowly. You arched an eyebrow at him. "No". He seemed surprised by your answer. "What? Why?", he looked offended for a second, before lightly shaking his head, "never mind. I'm sorry". A foul taste made its way into your mouth as you tried not to frown at his pathetic apology.

"You know what's wrong with 'sorry'? The fact that it gives people the idea that any mistakes can be solved by a single word", you mumbled bitterly.

Pyre - (Dabi X Reader) BNHA FanficWhere stories live. Discover now