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Questions by Honey @Vlovesyou30 

1. What is your name?

My Pen Name is Anné. But Annie Chan is preferred when you support me.

If you want then you can call me Ara, too. 😊

2. When did you join Wattpad?

Ninth of September, Two thousand and Nineteen (9th September, 2019), somewhere near midnight.

3. What is your age?

(Secret)... I am not in my 20's, though.

4. What is your favourite Wild animal?

Lol. I have always loved Lion because he is the King of the Jungle. 

I, also, wished to be like a Lion. The Ruler of my own Kingdom! (😋)

5. What is your favourite Tame animal?

Hmm... I always liked bunnies. I like kittens, too! But now I also like puppies, after seeing Yeontan-ie, our Pom-Pom~

6. What is your favourite Color and Ombre?

I already said, I like almost every colour! But, I like white and red, a Lil bit more.

My favourite ombre is that of Blue and Green which I call the Peacock colour! 

7. What liner are you?

I said that my age is a secret. All I can say is that I'm 21st Century Girl.

8. When did you become an ARMY?

Somewhere between 2018's May, June, or July.

9. Who is your Bias and Bias Wrecker?

No. 1: I don't have a Bias Wrecker. I see all the other 6 members as my brothers.

And, I am totally Loyal to my Bias, Kim Babie Taetae (i.e. Kim Taehyung, you know? 🤗)

10. Which BTS M/V did you see first/second?

Maybe, it was Mic Drop. It blasted through my ears, making me - the one who never heard hip-hop music, dislike it and sop it as soon as it started. 

Though, after a month/few months, when I went to check that which song almost made me deaf... I clicked on DNA's M/V, at first. 

And, as it started, I said to myself, 'Is he a Prince?' (pointing at Jk whistling at the beginning).

Then, maybe, after hearing BST, I clicked on Mic Drop's M/V and I was like...

'WHAT THE-- Did I actually dislike THIS song?! Was I such an idiot, just a few months ago?!!!'

And don't ask... Every afternoon Mic Drop would be played loudly throughout my house through the loudspeakers! 

Maybe, the neighbors actually went deaf for those long months... (🤔)

11. Do you study or have completed studying?

Unfortunately, I am a student and I still study. (😭)

 And, I want to grow up fast...

12. Which country are you from?

I am Asian. Don't get excited, 'cause I'm not Korean.

13. Do you have any siblings?

Nah. I am the only child.

14. Are you an Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert?

Btw, I'm Ambivert. I am neither Introvert nor Extrovert, fully.

I am in between them. It depends, when I'll act like an Introvert or an Extrovert. Basically, I'm the middleman. 

Hehehe. 😁

Thank you for loving me so much. You always encourage me in my hard times without knowing yourself.

I hope that we stay...



Love you, hun.

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