The Invasion!

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   10/31/2021 PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NO LONGER CANON! I am currently in the process of re-writing book one and two. Also, this book is VERY cringe 😬😬😬 READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

6/28/2023 I MEAN IT I JUST RE-READ THE BOOK AND OH MY GOSH- The sense of humor in this book is akin to that of a 9 year old's. Please, read at your own risk ._.

  Queen Quietstar, a dark gray and black maned wolf, was up in her study in her castle, a torch lighting up all of her research on phantoms. Her pet spotted lab, Sirpaw, was on Quietstar's study desk, fast asleep. Her pet lizard, Whisperlime, was dozing in a patch of sunlight shining in from the only window in the study, snoring quietly. 

   Quietstar looked through all her research excitedly. "Sirpaw, Whisperlime, I am only one study away from finding out the phantom's greatest secret."

"And what's that?" Whisperlime squeaked softly, still half asleep. Quietstar narrowed her eyes at seemingly nothing. "How they poop." Whisperlime looked at Quietstar as if she was growing a third ear. "Seriously, Quiet? Three months of research and it's been going to that?

   Quietstar sat down on her study pillow in annoyance. "Well, really, Whisperlime, think about it. They don't have mouths to eat anything, therefore they have nothing to poop out. Even if they could eat, their bodies are too small to even be able to eat more than a jumbo sized cookie, and yet the phantom turds are huge!" 

   Sirpaw looked down at Quietstar from the study desk. "If a phantom heard that, you'd already be zapped more than a hundred times!" He barked playfully, then curled up in a ball and fell back to sleep. 

  Whisperlime looked like she was staring past the universe, thinking about what Quietstar said about how phantoms were able to poop. After a minute, Whisperlime suddenly jumped up from her patch of sunlight. "OH MY GOODNESS! QUIET, YOUR RIGHT! HOW IN THE NAME OF MIRA DO THEY POOP?!"


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"Do not fear, Whisper, for I am one paper away to solving the mystery." As soon as she said that, the Dylinville phantom raid alarm went off. Sirpaw was instantly on his paws, looking like he was ready to chop some phantoms to bits. Whisperlime grabbed her forest bow from her back, and reached under her hat to grab some arrows hidden underneath. Quietstar's fur started to bristle at the all-too familiar sound of the alarm. 

   "This is the third time this month..." Queen Quietstar worriedly muttered to herself. Then she shook her pelt and flattened her fur. Ever since she moved from Jamaa to Dylinville, she noticed the increased amount of phantom attacks because of the village's lack of magical Alphas. And that's why we're here! Quietstar thought. 

   "Don't fear, Sirpaw, Whisper. The other times the phantom alarm sounded, we never saw them near our castle. We are safe." Whisperlime slowly slid her arrows back under her hat, her eyes narrowed. "Well, if we're not gonna fight any phantoms, can we at least check to see if they are anywhere near us?"

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