Chapter 6: The Photograph

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Tori crossed her arms and looked at her son firmly. Even in the dark of night, Bunny could make out his mother's stern expression. There was no way he was going to that party. Who knows what kind of strange or innapropriate things would be going on there. She was putting her foot down. 

"But Mom! I promised her I would go! I'm not leavin' her with that drongo Bruce!" Bunnymund complained. 

"And I'm not leaving my only son at a crazy party full of teenage pookas who will be doing all sorts of bad things!"

Bunny groaned loudly. "I have to go! I'm a guardian, for the moon's sake!" 

"To the others, yes, but as a young pooka I refuse to let you go! Bunnymund, come back here!" But Bunny had already stormed upstairs to his bedroom. He looked down from the top of the stairs.

"Dad would have let me go!" And with that, he slammed the door.

Tori sat down, and put her face in her hands. Would Evan had let their son go to a party where there might be alcohol and drugs and other terrible things? She shook the idea out of her head, and headed up to her room to go to sleep. As she walked up the stairs, she stared at the line of family photos lining the wall; ever since Bunnymund was born, a photo was taken every year to add to the wall. Tori ran her paw over the first few pictures. There was Bunny, only a year old, with his parents. There he was, on his birthday. She smiled at the pictures in which their family was complete.

And then, she stopped at the one where Evan was no longer in the picture.

The Asters still took their family photo every year, but none of the pictures were as special as the one in which their family was whole for the last time. She traced the frame softly. It had been taken when Bunny was about eight in human years. Tori was smiling, and sitting in a chair. Evan was standing and had his paw on her shoulder, and Bunny sat happily on the floor, beaming. It was the last existing photo of their complete family. A small tear dripped down Tori's cheek.

"Oh, Evan. What would you do?"

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