Chapter 16: Feud

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Shooting through the tall grass like an arrow, Bunny felt as if he couldn't get home fast enough. For every step he took was seen as one step closer to finding Kari. The world around him was reduced to a multicolor blur as he raced across the brush.

After what seemed like hours, the pooka finally reached home. Flinging open the door, Bunny was surprised to see the guardians in a feud. What had originally been a small argument had erupted into a full-fledged yelling match. The guardians shouted at Jack, who roared back with equal tenacity and volume in his voices. The air was cold and crisp, Jack's anger filling the air.

"You don't get it! If we're going to save Kari we have to get to Pitch!" Jack looked exasperated, and his cheeks had turned red in anger. North shook his head.

"Jack! Ze mission is too dangerous! We need time to plan and-"

"We don't HAVE time! If we don't do something now it will be too late for Kari!"

Tori shook her head. "This is the only option! We need to accumulate forces, strengthen ourselves! We need to grow stronger if we have any chance of defeating Pitch!"

Jack erupted into anger. "Don't you understand? This is our only chance!"

"We have to wait it out!" Tooth urged. 

 Jack tore at his hair with his hands. "WAIT IT OUT! FOR ALL YOU KNOW SHE'S DEAD!"

Dead. The word pierced Bunny like a dagger. What if Jack was right? What if they were too late? The pooka's head began to spin, and Bunnymund had to reach out and grab the doorframe to avoid falling to the ground. He felt fresh tears oozing out of the corners of his eyes, and took a deep breath. Shakily, he pulled himself to his full height. The feuding guardians, who had been too caught up in their fight to notice him, gasped quietly at the sight of him. 

"Bunnymund-" Tori began, taking a step towards him.

"No." Bunny stared at the ground, a rage building up inside him. He narrowed his eyes to slits. 

"You are supposed to be a part of the most powerful heroes in the world, an' here you are, arguin' about wether or not to save Kari. Because why, you don't feel ready?! This is a matter of life and death, Mate! An' because of your arguin', she might be dead!"

The room grew silent. North sighed sadly, and looked up at the Pooka, who was falling apart.

"Bunny...we have no choice. Pitch is weakening the children, weakening us, and without out usual strength, finding Kari is a suicide mission." He bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

Slowly, Tooth flew over to Bunny, and spoke softly, trying to soothe him. "We just need time." She reached out a delicate hand to place on his shoulder, but to her surprise, the rabbit jerked away fiercely. Bunny stormed past the guardians, and tried to hide the tears welling in his eyes. The others cold only watch as he climbed the stairs and dissapeared out of sight. Moments later, they heard a door slam, causing them all to cringe.

As soon as he was inside his room, Bunny did what anybody, good or bad, pure or cold, light or dark, pooka or human, could do.

He broke.

Tears slid down his cheeks and he slumped onto hid bed, shoulders shaking in silent sobs. There was no saving Kari now- there was no hope. She would die and he would be left, forced by his family, to do nothing. Tears brimmed over his eyelids and spilled onto the sheets, as he whispered her name into the pillows, still tasting the ghost of her on his lips.

Hearing the door creak, Bunny turned to see Jack slowly enter the room. He had never seen his friend so distraught- ears pressed back, tearstained fur, and a broken expression. Jack came and sat on the bed next to his quivering friend. Bunny buried his face in his arms.

Jack shut his eyes sadly. "Bunny....I'm sorry. Some things.." he sighed. "Some things you just can't change."

The shaking pooka's shallow breaths grew deeper and more composed, and the shaking stopped. Slowly, Bunny raised his head, his heartbroken look replaced by one of such anger and determination that a chill shivered down Jack's spine.

The pooka looked more unwavering and immovable than ever before. "Yes I can."

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