Chapter 14: Not Your Fault

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The night was dead silent, and Bunnymund's sobs had reduced to silent tears rolling down his cheeks and staining his fur. A noise from behind him caused Bunny to lift his head from his hands and look around. 

"Kari?" He said weakly, knowing that as much as he wanted it to be her, she was gone. Instead, a Russian accent could be heard muttering in the distance.

"He has to be around here somewhere, he couldn't just poof and dissapear," North said to the other guardians, who were searching the warren for any sign of Bunny, ignorant to the fact that the pooka did not want to be found. Bunnymund ducked behind a bush as the guardians reached the clearing. Tooth looked around.

"Nope, he's not here. Let's check the main tunnel again." As they, Bunny noticed Jack slowly break away from the group, waiting until they were gone. Once they were out of sight, the spirit whispered into the dark. 

"Bunny!" Jack hissed. When he didn't recieve an answer, he rolled his eyes. "Oh, c'mon Peter Cottontail, you might have fooled the others, but I know you're here." 

"Go away, Mate. I don't want ta see anybody." Bunny growled from behind the bush. Jack walked over to the bush, and the pooka's eyes shot daggers at him. He expected the guardian to make some rude comment or remark, but to his suprise, Jack didn't. He sat down beside Bunnymund, noticing his tearstained fur and his eyes that were red from crying. Sighing, Jack placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Bunny."

The pooka turned to look at Jack, a rage building up inside him.

"Not my fault? Not my FAULT?! Jack, if it wasn't for me, she'd still be here! She'd be safe! Who knows what Pitch is doin' ta her! If I had only stayed away, If I hadn't been so damn attracted to her.." Bunnymund's anger slowly faded away as the tears returned to the corners of his eyes. 

No Mate, don't cry in front'a him. He said inside of his head. Be strong, be strong, be...

He couldn't hold it in, and tears leaked from his cheeks. He turned to Jack.

"Mate, I- I messed up, big time. If I hadn't gotten close to her she would have never have been seen as a target by Pitch. He killed all my relatives, except my mother. He murdered my dad in cold blood- right in front of her. If something happens to Kari..Jack, I'd die of greif."

Jack hugged his friend. "Bunny, I swear, no matter what the others say, I will help you. We have to go and talk everybody, and figure out a plan. Nothing's gonna happen to her. I promise."

Silently, the pooka nodded. He took a deep breath, and composing himself, stood up. He wiped his eyes and managed a weak smile.

"I appreciate it, Jackie."

"So what's the plan?" The spirit flew up a few inches into the air. Bunny rubbed his temples, an idea forming.

"Right, then. We better get going. You tell my mother and the others about fiding Pitch and coming up with a plan to get into his Nightmare palace. I'll warn the other pookas. Hopefully Bruce will cool his hot head down enough so I can talk." Bunny started to run into the forest before turning around. "Oh, and Jack?"

Jack grinned. "Yeah, Peter Cottontail?"

"Thank you."

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