Chapter 15: Robin And Alysha

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 The grey pooka shot through the brush like an arrow. Leaves smacked him across his nose, and the scratchy floor in the forest of the warren scratched at the tender pads on his feet. Bunnymund, however, felt no pain. His brows were furrowed in concentration, one thought slicing through his mind; the sooner he got to the other pookas, the sooner he could warn them.

Moments later, Bunny stopped at the edge of a lush green meadow that had been converted into a sort of town for the pookas. Small, cozy-looking houses lined the clearing, complete with gardens. A good sized area that could only be described as a town square, sat in the middle of all the homes, complete with a fountain and a few benches. Sitting on a bench were two pookas that Bunnymund immediately recognised as Alysha and Robin, Kari's best friends. He raced over to them. Robin, who had been telling a joke, looked up and grinned.

"Hey! Bunny! What brings you here? Looking for Kari?" She raised her eyebrows and jokingly poked him. The fiery rabbit had a trickster, teasing attitude that was comparable to that of Jack Frost.

Bunny shook his head, and Robin frowned, noticing that something seemed off. "Bunny, what's wrong?"

The gray pooka looked her right in the eyes.

"Listen to me, Mate, and listen real close." He took a shaky breath. "Did ya ever hear about the Pooka Massacre?" 

Robin rolled her eyes. "Of course I have, you doof. I mean, that's why we live here in the first place. Who was that guy who wiped us out?" She rubbed her temples in an effort to remember. "Wow, I was just a kit then. That guy, his name was....something Black. Dark Black?"

"Pitch Black." Bunny corrected urgently. He opened his mouth to speak but Robin piped up again.

"Yeah, him. But that was a long time ago and he's gone, isn't he?" She grinned. Her smile melted away, however, when the guardian didn't smile back. A look of confusion and fear slowly creeped up her face. She looked at Bunny, lowering her voice.

"Isn't he?"

If he hadn't been so afraid of ruining his reputation, Bunnymund would have broken down again right there. Instead, he bit his lip and shook his head, sitting on the bench next to them.


Robin's eyes grew wide.

"And he's coming back. He's going after the entire pooka race. He wants us gone."

For once, Robin was silent. Alysha, who Bunnymund had never heard talk, spoke up.

"But why?" She ran her paw through her black fur, and Bunny noticed white tribal makrings under her eyes.

Bunnymund grimaced. "I don't know. Some sorta plan, Sheila. But we can't say anythin to the others. At least I can't- Bruce an' his brumbies won't take me seriously." 

Robin, having got over her initial shock, kicked her fiery personality back into gear. "Well, we'll do anything to help. What's the plan?"

"First of all, you have to make preparations, so when you tell the other pookas, they won't be running around crazy an' in fear, ya know. There's a shelter that...that my dad built in case Pitch ever came back." Tori had once told Bunny about this shelter, in case of emergency. "It's located right under the second biggest stationary egg sculpture in the warren, with enough food, weapons, and supplies to last for months, Mate. But whatever ya do, don't go into the room with the little green door- it has some nasty potion things that'll do who knows what to ya. 

Alysha and Robin listened silently, nodding their heads. 

"Right, Sheilas. Once you got that done, make an announcement to everybody, an' get them to safety. Jack will help you with that. Once that's done, he'll contact me."

Alysha nodded, but Robin raised her head. 

"Wait, who's Jack?"

Bunnymund smiled a bit, despite the circumstances. "Oh, trust me, you two will get along just fine."

Robin looked puzzled, but nodded. "Okay, so we'll go get Kari, do the supplies, and.." she trailed off when she noticed Bunnymund bite his lip, as if he was trying not to cry. "Bunny.."

He put his head in his paws for a second, and then looked up stoically. 

"Last night... that's why I can't stay and help you. Pitch has her, and I have to find her before it's too late."

Robin shot up out off the bench. "WHAT? Our best friend was taken by a murderer and you're gonna go alone? Nuh-uh. Sorry Bunny, but we're coming." She crossed her arms.

"No! You don't understand,if you two sheilas go, the other pookas have no hope! Ya have ta stay. Please."

Robin fumed, about to snark at the gray pooka, but Alysha rested a dark paw on her shoulder. 

"He's right, Robin. If Kari has any hope, or the others...we have to stay."

Reluctantly, Robin agreed. "Fine. You better take care of her."

"I will. I've gotta go- Jack will be here soon, I promise." His friends nodded, and Bunnymund raced away, catching one last glimpse of the duo in which he had entrusted the fate of the pookas- the sassy, quick-reflexed one who stood with her arms crossed, and the one who seemed to blend in and never say a word, but who, he believed, could be very dangerous if it came down to it. Together, the pair seemed like they had a fighting chance of protecting the town. His spirits lifted a little. The pooka race was in good hands. 

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