Chapter 4: What A Cassanova

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Jack and Bunnymund watched the pooka. She was resting on her belly and reading a book. She had pale lilac eyes and a pink flower above each floppy brown ear. She had light brown floral tattos, similar to those belonging to Bunny.

Jack glanced over at Bunny. His eyes were wide and he looked enamored.

"Who's that pooka?" Jack asked.

"Crickey! That's Kari. She's the hottest pooka in the warren, an' the nicest one, too."

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, mate, but I wish. See, I'm somewhat popular with ladies in the pooka community, but all of them are kinda...not my type. Most a' the guys are either jealous of my guardianship or completely hate me. Especially Kari's ex boyfriend, a brumby called Bruce." Bunnymund made a face like he had just smelled something sour. "He's still got his eye on her, too, an' she probably won't want to be with either of us." Bunny sat down.

"Well, okay. Let's find out!" Jack grinned.

"What? Frostbite, n-no!" But Jack had already flown to the other side of the river.

"Hey, you're Kari, right?" Jack asked. The female pooka looked up from her book and smiled. 

"Yeah, who are you?"

"The name's Jack Frost. Wacha reading?"

"Just a gardening book that my dad gave me. It's actually really interesting." She grinned.

"Awesome. Hey, do you know my friend Bunnymund?" 

Kari smiled. "You mean Bunny? Of course! It's a small community, here in the warren. Why?"

"Well, he just so happens to be over on the other side of the river!" Jack pointed to Bunny, who was rather far away, because the river was very wide. "C'mon, let's go see him."

"Well, okay." Kari nodded and put her book down. Jack flew across the river. Once he was on the other side, Bunnymund ran to him.

"What did you do?" Bunny hissed.

"Relax, Casanova. Here she comes."

The two bickering guardians looked out across the river at Kari, who was making her way across some stepping stones. She jumped over the last stone and jogged over to them. 

"Hey, Bunny. How are you?"

"Me-? Oh, I'm-I'm great," Bunny stammered. 

"That's good," Kari sat down next to Bunny and Jack. "So, how do you two know each other?"

Bunny opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find any words. "I-um, well, we-"

Acting as a wingman, Jack spared his friend from embarrassment. "Well, I'm the guardian of fun, so I'm one of the big five now. I guess you could say we are-" Jack made the quote signs with his fingers, "work buddies."

"Really? Wow, that's cool," smiled Kari.

"Yeah," Bunnymund scratched his shoulder nervously. "So, uh, how ya been, Sheila?"

"Not so great, ever since I broke up with Bruce. The dumb brute keeps following me around." She rolled her eyes. 

"Crikey. So, uh, you don't- you're not into anybody else, right?" Bunny looked around nervously. 

Kari shrugged. "Well, if I was into anybody, I'd make sure they liked me back first." She looked at Bunny. "You know." 

Bunnymund turned pink. "Uhhhh..." He had no clue what to say. Sure, this fast talking guardian could battle the boogeyman and think of killer responses, but for once he was speechless. Kari scooted a little closer.

God, she's beautiful, Bunnymund thought to himself, as he moved a little closer to her in return. 

"Well, Kari, anybody-" he cleared his throat. "Anybody would be pretty lucky to end up with somebody like ya..I mean, not like I would I know, but um, you look great- I mean you are great, uh.." he trailed off.

"Good job, Casanova. Keep up the good work," Jack called from a tree. Bunnymund had forgot that the sprite was watching them. 

"Oh, buzz off Frostbite! Whadda ya doin, spying?" Bunny yelled.

Jack raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay Kangaroo. I won't rain on your parade." The sprite flew off.

Bunny turned back to Kari. "Sorry about that, Sheila."

Kari laughed. "Don't worry. I have a little cousin who likes to annoy me sometimes too. Now what were we talking about?" She was now so close to him that her fur almost brushed up against him and he could feel her breathing.

"Uhhh..I have no idea." 

"Okay, well, just wondering, what are you doing later this week? Like, on Friday?" Kari smiled and repositioned the flower in her ear.

Bunnymund was taken aback. Kari actually wanted to hang with him? 

"Well, ya know, nothing really, just the usual. Maybe fightin' Pitch or somethin'." He puffed out his chest, trying to act badass. 

The tawny brown pooka laughed. She saw right through what he was trying to to, but found it cute.

"Well," she teased, "If you're not out saving the world, do you wanna go to the Summer Solstice party? It's in a few weeks, and now that Bruce is out of the picture, I need somebody to go with."

Bunny couldn't believe his ears. "Uh, yeah! Crikey, that sounds fun, Sheila."

"Great!" Kari's ears perked. "Damn, is tha- Bruce?" Her eyes grew wide. "I have to get outta here." The pookas stood up, and Kari playfully punched Bunnymund in the arm. "See ya around, Bunny." With that, she ran off. 

Bunny watched her go, a dreamy look on his face. Did that just happen? Did she just ask him out? He started to walk off, but his dreamlike state was interrupted when a coal black pooka blocked his path. The pooka's nose twitched. He towered over the Easter Bunny and sneered at him. 

"Well, well. If it isn't Bunnymund. The very same pooka who, just minutes ago, decided to go to the big Summer Solstice party with my girlfriend. I mean, I hated you before, but now..."

Bunny glared at Bruce. "Oh, rack off, ya brumby. She broke up with you! An' besides, what do you care if I go with's not like we're an item," He rolled his eyes and tried to sidestep the bigger pooka, but was blocked. Bruce poked him in the chest. 

"She's still my girl! Just cuz she broke up with me doesn't mean that we won't, like, get back together." Bruce was all brawn, but as far as brains went, he had gotten the short end of the stick. 

Bunnymund couldn't believe this guy. "Ha! She dumped ya because you were rude, egotistical, and could never stop checkin' out other girls! You think a smart sheila like her will take ya back? Heh. You're livin proof that evolution can go in reverse, mate."

Bruce threw a punch at Bunny, but the guardian flipped out of the way, smiling smugly. 

"You better watch it, buddy," Bruce growed. "I happen to know way more about Kari then you do."

Bunnymund glared at the larger pooka. "Sure ya do, mate. All you know how to do is be a jealous, overbearing brute with the IQ of a bloody peanut. She deserves better." Confident that he had won the argument, Bunnymund turned to walk away, but Bruce caught him off guard. He shoved Bunny backwards, and Bunnymund landed hard on the ground. 

"You better watch your back, Mundy. One of these days you're gonna be sorry for stealing my girl." With one final sneer, Bruce bounded off, in search of Kari. 

Glaring, Bunny stood up and dusted himself off. Jack had been watching the whole thing unfold and swooped down from a tree. 

"Boy, that guy certainly has his tail in a knot. What's with him anyway?" Jack asked the fuming pooka.

"I dunno, Frostbite. But I do know one thing- if he messes with Kari, he's gonna be sorry." Bunnymund turned and started off towards home, with Jack trailing behind. 

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