He has a pair of silver beautiful eyes his hair is grayish that comlementing from his eyes, his nose was small and his features is womanish but manly at the same time. He has a shy smile on his face that is highlighting his womanish features but not in gay one, it making him look more attractive than before.

"Wait...you are the girl from the Vanumous Forest right" the guy asked at her. Samantha nods

"Y-you know...I really sorry for stoling from you..." he said then lowered his head, Samantha took a deep breath before speaking.

"You'd been following me for days...What do you need from me" she irratedly said

He was shocked that the knew that he's been following her for days now, he actually thought that he's good at stalking.

"You knew?" he ask and the girl just nodded at him. He suddenly feels his face heated from embrassment! He's not a stalker okay! His just waiting his chance to bring back the pouch he stole from her thats all! But ever since he saw the girl in the stage the day after the entrance exam of Golden Academy he knew that getting near the girl will be hard, so he decided to wait his chance!

"Of course...I" Samantha halted when she feels a monstrous mana leaking from someone. The guy feels the sudden change of aura of the girl beside him. Samantha look at the surrounding, she slowly grabs her twin dagger.

She immediately turn when she feels in her radius the sudden thing making its way to hurt her, she used her one dagger to block the weapon thats about to hurt her. There's a man in black coat, he swiftly attack but Samantha counter every attacks he did their weapon meet each other the sound 'Clang' was echoing in the guy behind Samantha ears.

"Who sent you" Samantha said to the guy in the coat but its attention was locked to the man behind her, she gritted her teeth because the man disregard her as its opponent. She kick the man in the stomach that made the guy in the coat step a back in pain.

Samantha turn her gaze to the guy behind her. "Run! Idiot!" she yelled that made the guy behind her bring back to his senses, he was about to run away when he remember that a girl is fighting a man who has a monterous mana, she don't stand a chance!

Samantha is dodging his attacks it was fast and she's sure if she loose her focus the guy infront of her may stab her. She swing her dagger to block the sword that was going to hit her face, she immediately recreate her dagger into a whip locking the hands of the man that made him let go his sword and fell in the ground.

Samantha was about to finish the fight when the guy sudden grabs her long brunette hair making her yelped in pain and the next thing she knew was the man in coat was choking her to death! Her feets was hanging. A sudden memory of her choking bring back to her, when she was with lily minutes before been killed in her previous life.

Her control to the whip was loosing but before the man finally freed from her whip, she bit his arms so hard making his arms bleed he unwillingly let go of the girls neck. When the man finally let go of her, Samantha immediately grabs her whip dagger then turn it back to its original form and while recreating her dagger she used her other dagger to cuts the mans chest, the man glare at her but she just smile wickedly at him, Samantha was about to stab the mans neck but the man kick her in her face making her to fall in the ground.

She is groaning but before she can stand the man suddenly stab her but instead of the ladys cry to be heard the sound of cracking made Samantha bring back to her senses.

The orb!

Samantha recreate her dagger into sword she kick the mans knee making him to loose his balance but before he falls to the ground he ankled his right hand and landed safe and sound on his feet again. Samantha wave her hand then the mans body's stiffen.

He tried to move his body but his body just don't do what he commanded. He glanced at the girl who is looking at cracked white orb before glaring at him. Then he suddenly feels shiver down to his spine when a pair of beautiful emerald eyes was looking at him with death intent.

He have to pull back!

He thought to his self but how? She's walking towards me and I can't even move my body! Is this her magic?!


The girl infront of him suddenly turn her head, making her loose her focus on restraining him to move, when the man notice that he can move, he took his opportunity to escape, he knows he's no match at this girl.

And when Samantha sense that the man is escaping she clicked her tongue then immediately recreate her dagger into a bow she pull the string then focus to man who is hopping from the trees, she let go of the string then a man's cryed can be heard.

She immediately run where the man landed but she saw nothing beside from the arrow who have a blood stain on its sharp.

She picked up the arrow that immeaditely turn into a dagger. Samantha suddenly remembered the cracked orb and she remember a certain girl that gave it to her.



She told me to run but how can I run when I know she's also in danger!


Is that man...also the man before...

Is he...trying to....to kill me? Again...


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