Chapter 10

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"I manage enter Golden Academy my King" said by Samantha to the crow in the window while using her creation magic to make a ballpens well Principal Calom personally request it to her. She didn't make complains thou coz this is also a perfect mini training for her as well.

"Is there any signs of the lost Prince"

Said by Erin through the crow. Samantha nod her head as if Erin can she her. "Yes the orb has been reacting actively this past few days, but I never make any contact with the lost Prince, I never have a chance to look for him because of the two nobles beside me currently, but he's also in the academy just like you said your highness" Samantha explained.

Erin chuckled because irratation is visible on her tone when she mention the two nobles.

"I see...keep your eye on him and protect him at all cause...The Great ruler will not last any longer..Reaper I need you to act as soon as possible...but stay in the shadow.."

He ordered, "As you wish my king..." Said by Samantha then give a salute before the crow leaves her room.

Samantha stared at the white orb on her study table near to her bed. She stop using her creation magic then put the ballpens, to the small box, before making her way to the principal office. 

"Wendy! Wait"

Samantha instictively look behind her then a man suddenly collided to her and she immediately loose her balance.

She irrately look at the scattered pens on the floor, but her annoyed face instantly became wide open when she sees the orb glowing in almost blinding light. She immediately grab the orb then look to her right and left then she saw a guy running away from her the guy who also crash to her.

She was about to followed the man when many students block her way to ask if she is okay. Samantha just hissed in annoyance as she watch the man disappear from her sight.


Samantha has been wandering the whole academy just to find the guy she saw earlier, but the orb is not reacting. So she stop looking instead focus on practicing her magic instead.

She does'nt like to go back to her class either, she can easily followed alk those missed class anyway. Also her instuctor does'nt even bother at her skipping classes.

Samantha looks at the wet mud, she breath relaxly she let her mana flow, she rise her hands that made the small portions of muds lift in the air. She close her palms that made the muds turn into spikes with sharp edges. She smirks a little. So this what my second gate can make.

As long she picture something in her mind she can make it possible. She can even make cellphone if she wanted too. She open her palms letting the soil seperated from the water the dryed soil fell on the ground while she plays the water making it different weapons from vow into spikes from spikes into sword and when she get bored she made the water to evaporate after all she can do anything using her liquid magic.

Liquid magic is very similar to water magic so many people can be easily confused because of that, but in Liquid Magic you can make Liquid into solid while Water magic can dissolve any liquid matters, that is the one thing that made Liquid and Water magic differ from each other.

Samantha sense someone behind her so she immediately turn around letting her to see a guy who was shocked from her sudden turn.

Her eyes narrowed then glance, again to the guy who is scratching his nape.

The Rainbow man. She thought to her self.

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