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Requested by CreAtoR_Yukiverse!


Mikey walked into the dojo, ready for training. He had arrived earlier than everyone else, even master Splinter. He'd never been this early before.

"Hell, Michealangelo." Splinter greeted with a hint of surprise evident in his voice. "You are early, training does not not start for another 20 minutes."

Mikey nodded. "I know." He said simply. Splinter hummed. "Would you like to meditate with me?" He asked. To his surprise, Mikey nodded.

So, Splinter sat in the lotus position in one of the embroidered rugs. Mikey sat beside him, deeply focusing. He didn't smile like he normally did.

Splinter sensed tension in the air but began meditating, having no trouble getting into a focused part of his mind. Mikey tended to have trouble focusing when he meditated.

This time though, Mikey meditated skillfully. He was completely silent, as still as a statue. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

A few minutes later, the other turtles entered the dojo and were shocked to see Mikey meditating with Splinter. "Oh, hey Mikey, hey sensei." Leo said, hiding the surprised in his voice.

"Hey." Mikey said simply. "Hello my sons, are you ready for training?" The turtles nodded. "Hai sensei." Donnie answered as they got into position.

"We will begin with sparring, today's pairs will be Michealangelo vs. Donatello and Leonardo vs. Rapheal... hajime!" Splinter announced.

Leo and Raph started sparring immediately. Donnie faced Mikey, gripping his bo staff. Mikey held up his nunchucks, a serious expression on his normally smiling face.

Donnie noticed but didn't think much of it as the pair started sparring. Mikey usually did a ton of stunts or flips during sparring, much to the annoyance of his brothers.

This time though, Mikey was completely focused. He didn't throw a single water balloon or even say a word. Donnie was perplexed.

Soon, Mikey surprised everyone by pinning Donnie, winning. "Yame...God work, Michelangelo." Splinter praised Mikey who nodded simply. "Thank you, sensei."

The other turtles were perplexed. "What was that?" Raph spoke up. Mikey shrugged. "I won." He said in a monotone voice. "Yeah, we know."

Mikey silently left the dojo since training had concluded. The other turtles were still surprised as Splinter simply let them leave. "You may go."

A little later, Mikey walked into Donnie's lab. "Don't touch anything." Donnie immediately said. Mikey scoffed. "I wasn't going too." He said seriously, his face expressionless.

Donnie blinked in confusion. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. "You've been acting different." Mikey nodded. "I'm fine, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm trying to find out what this reactor can do at max power when a isotope is added to the nucleus." Donnie said as Mikey just nodded.

"Can I help?" He asked as Donnie blinked. "You want to help? Why? You never liked this science stuff before, it always gives you a headache." Donnie pointed out as Mikey shrugged.

"I just want too." Donnie mudded and let Mikey in as they stood over the lab table. Then, Donnie surprised Mikey by writing something on a whiteboard. Donnie's eyes widened.

"You need a negatively charged radioactive isotope in order to combine the power of a positive electric charge." Mikey said. Raph walked by. "What universe are we in?" They were shell-shocked.

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