We headed down the hallway of Brenton School, aka the school for kids who have "issues", to our lockers that were beside one another.

"Am not." Kayton scoffed, setting his helmet in his locker.

I set my own helmet into my locker, then shut my locker door. "Are too."

I already have my schedule memorized and Kayton does not because his is the same as mine; convenient, right? We went to Pre-Calc with Mrs. Jones. Looks like the Morales twins are in this class with us, along with Justin.

Justin and Peyton will be part of Kayton's pack as well, I think; She's supposed to be a Luna because her dad, Cole, is an Alpha. I'm not sure what she's gonna do. Our whole friend group will be- even Raquel will be and she's found her mate, Zach, who was a rogue. He had crossed onto Cole's land and, luckily, Raquel had been the one doing the perimeter check. Alonzo, or Zo as we call him, will be Kayton's Beta.

Kayton and I occupied the table next to Raquel and Zo. Justin sat at the table in front of Kayton and I's.

"Oh, dear Lord." I heard Mrs. Jones mutter under her breath. I couldn't help snickering. This has probably gotta suck for her- having both twin sets in the same room. We're a handful.

I didn't pay attention during role call, and I didn't really pay attention during the lesson. I don't need to; I've got my mom's smarts. And Kayton got my dad's smarts, which you know.... I'm just kidding. I'm top of the class and Kayton is just below me. So, what I would like to know is how he can barely remember his schedule, but can manage to still get a 4.0...


"Well, that was boring as eff." I stated as we all filed into Kayton and I's game room. Peyton and Justin went to sit in one of loveseats. Mitch and Claire went to the other loveseat. The Morales twins, Zach, Kayton, and I occupied the L-shaped couch. I sat at the end of one of the L points and laid back.

'Hey, you guys want snacks?' My mom asked.

Kayton and I looked at each other then said, 'Only if you're not making them.'

'Ha ha, My cooking isn't that bad.' My mom retorted.

I laughed in my head. 'Yeah, it is. You set the smoke alarms off making grilled cheese.'

'Well, I'm not making grilled cheese. I was just gonna pop in some pizza rolls.' She replied.

'I still want dad to do it.' Kayton stated.

Mom huffed, 'Dad's out on a perimeter check. You want them or not?'

I groaned, getting up. 'I'll come make them.'

'You're the best, sis.' Kayton said, only to me.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him as I walked out the door. My mom was reaching into the freezer, grabbing the pizza rolls, when I walked into the kitchen. I took them from her, then reached down into one of the lower cupboards to get a pan. I preheated the oven at 350, then ripped open the bag of pizza rolls and spread them all out onto the pan. Once the oven was finished preheating, I set the pan on the top rack and set the timer for five minutes. It was now, I noticed my mom just looking at me.

I raised a brow. "What?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. Just..."

"You can say it." I stated with sincerity and looked straight into her brown eyes.

She sighed. "Dad's found a rogue. His name is Baxter and says he knows you."

Baxter, Baxter, Baxter... Where have I heard that name before? Oh my God... That's the kid who pulled my hair at the park. Kayton and I teamed up on him. I felt myself, internally, laugh at the memory.

"Barely." I scoffed. The timer went off for the pizza rolls. I grabbed an oven mitten, then pulled them out and set them on a cooling rack. "He's just some stupid kid that pulled my hair at the park years ago.. Kayton and I were like eight... What does he want? Why's he on our land?"

Mom shrugged. "Beats me. Dad just wants you to talk to him because he's not getting anywhere with Baxter.. Baxter only wants to talk to you."

"I'll have to think about it." I replied, popping one of the pizza rolls in mouth, then put the rest on a serving tray. I kissed my mom on the cheek. "Thanks for the pizza rolls."

She smirked. "You're welcome."

I walked back upstairs into the game room and announced, "Who wants pizza rolls made by the one and only, better and older, Rapattoni twin, Veralyn?"

Kayton rolled his eyes, reaching to get one. "You're never gonna let that one go, are you?"

I shook my head, smirking. "Nope." I set the tray of pizza rolls on the table and everyone started to pick at them, one at a time.

"Oh yeah, dad wants you to talk to some guy named Baxter." Kayton said randomly.

I rolled my eyes. "Why doesn't dad just tell me himself?"

"I don't know." Kayton shrugged. "Isn't Baxter that kid we teamed up on at the park cause he pulled your hair? The same day we found out it'd be fun to fly off the swing into the air?"

"Yeah." I laughed. "We should really do that again."

"Hells yeah!" Kayton replied and we high-fived.

"You, two, are so weird." Raquel stated.

I rolled my eyes and shot her look. "You're one to talk."

She stuck her tongue out at me, then suggested, "Anyone wanna play a game of Nerf war?"

"No woods, right?" I asked, rubbing my bicep. I haven't been out in the woods behind our house since the incident. I've managed to get out of doing perimeter checks. I'm pretty much a daddy's little princess, except I'm not a princess.

Kayton gave me a worried look. 'It's been five years, Veralyn. You gotta face your fears.. and you know I'm always there. Also, you're a badass wolf too.'

I took a deep breath. 'I know...'

'So, in the woods?' He asked. I nodded and he jumped up, fisting pumping into the air. "Veralyn and I are a team!"

"Shocker," Peyton muttered, standing up. Then she took Justin's hand. "Justin and I are a team."

"Well, that's big news," I retorted back at her. Then I said to everyone, "You don't need to say teams, we all know who is with who." Zach teams up with Morales twins and they still manage to lose.

I took another deep breath as I stood out in front of the woods and holding a Nerf gun in my right hand.

"On the count of three.. you know the rules." Kayton stated. He counted to three; each second I was taking another deep breath. Once he said three, he grabbed my hand and pulled us into the woods.

Rapattoni TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now