Game Start

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Home 7:20am

"Toothbrush?" Your mother asked.  "Yes." You answered trying to get out of the house. "Maybe we should drive you?" Your father insisted, reaching for his keys. "Dad I'm going to camp not college." You sighed then gave them a hug. "It's only a week." You comforted them. "We'll miss you!" Your mother whined. They never have been more than two days without out, and even then you were only going to your grandmothers. "You'll be able to do fun things without a child around, like dates and watch movies." You chuckled.

"All we will do is go to work and cook." You father pouted. "Stop being a baby and get ready for work. See you guys on Tuesday." You waved and walked out.

School 7:40am

"Good morning Kaneko." Iida greeted you. "Morning EEI" You greeted him as well. "Everyone is sitting by their seat numbers, but unfortunately the one seat for the teacher is not being used. Because Mr.Aizawa wants to stand, so our class is moving up by one." Iida was annoyed that another one of his seating plans were ruined. "So instead of sitting with Todoroki I'll be with the angry bird..." You sighed.


You sat down next to Bakugo, he was closer to the window. Not even facing you, after seeing his vulnerable side in the exam, or sports festival he'd be like this. You just got on your phone and looked at your dog, anime, and meme filled Instagram.

Thirty Minutes Later

'It's been thirty minutes how long can he looked at the window?! Should I get him a therapist?!' You chuckled at your own joke making him glance at you then back, and it made you chuckle again. It was hilarious whenever he tried to act so mad, how were you ever intimated by him? You got out you iPad, apple pencil and opened Procreate.

You were planning to draw Bakugo but with a sweet side because if you were being honest you were pretty sick of this side of him. It was one of the things on your Piss Off Bakugo list you made in the beginning of the school year. Now that you thought about it you completed a lot on it. You started with a sketch of his body figure, it was pretty helpful that he was next to you. But you had to admit it was weird at the same time.


You were now filling in the basic colors of him. He'd peak over every once in a while to see the drawing but never said anything. Meanwhile when you were doing your thing you felt his body temperature rise and fall especially in his face, but never looked to much into it.


Your ringtone went off and you answered the call on your iPad since they were synced. "Mina!" You giggled. "Oh your sitting with Tsuyu that's right..." You saw Tsuyu sleep in the background. "I kinda feel bad Aoyama is on his own..." She whispered. "Oh who are you with?" She asked. You giggled and tilted your camera to Bakugo. "The angry bird..." You snickered.

"Get that camera off me!" He yelled and you laughed. "That's the first time you have talked to me since the exams..." You smile. "I'll let you love-birds get to it..." She giggled and hung up. "Now I can play iPhone games with you." You sent one to him. "I'm no-" Ding! His phone went off. You giggled.

"I thought you were busy..." He opened the game and started playing the Knockout one. You liked the games where you had to guess what the other had done, because in intelligence based game you'd always win. Ding!

He sent the game to you. Then you aimed yours only to see Bakugo had knocked two of your penguins off. "Crap." You cursed then aimed again and sent the game back.

Bakugo aimed his and when he sent the game back you saw that you had knocked two of his penguins off. "We're even now angry bird." You smirked a bit and chuckled. You guessed that he was going to go straight for the kill so you crossed your aim and saw the results. "I win." You giggled. "Whatever..." He rolled his eyes.

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