Gear Up For Final Exams

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"Okay that is it for class today. Remember to study before your exams. For the hero course there is a written and physical. The physical changes every year so don't think about asking third or second years. That's it. Good luck." Mr.Aizawa walked out after his words.

"What I barely took notes!" Mina(19 smartest) and Kaminari(20) freaked out. "It's true we havent had very much free-time." Tokoyami(14) sighed. "He barely learned anything when we took our mid-terms." Sato (12) said.

"As someone in the top ten I'm not that worried." Mineta(9) said with a grin. "What?! You ranked nine in the mid-terms?!" Mina and Kaminari said in unison. "Ashido, Kaminari we've still got time to study." Midoriya(4) said with an encouraging smile.

"That way we all can go to camp!" Midoriya words making you smile at his personality. "That is right Midoriya!" Iida(3) made his chopping hand motion. "Oh Kaneko you have to be the smartest help us!" Kaminari begged.

"Uh well see... there's kind of an exorcist coming to my house today and tomorrow..." You(1) nervously giggled getting some of the classes attention. "Well see I kind of summoned a ghost when I was little so we're just trying to get rid of it." You explained.

"How did that happened I would never see you as the type of person to do that." Uraraka asked. "My first friends were kind of reckless. Guess I can't help... It's nothing too bad, just bothers my mom." You sighed.

"I can help you two if you want?" Yaoy-Momo(2) asked. "Your the best Yaoy-Momo!" Kaminari and Mina said in unison. After everyone figured out where they were going to spend there study time it was time to get to business.


You were pacing around your room thinking about everything you have learned this year so far. You sang along to some music too. Ring! You pick up your ringing phone, and ended the music you were playing. "Kirishima?"

"I think Bakugo is going to kill me if I get one more question wrong! And I think he said he want you h-" "No I didn't you red haired loser! Just get your ass over here Kanek- I mean ROBOT GIRL!" The call ended immediately.  'Guess I should come over then...' You sighed.


You were wearing camo sweatpants, a black crop top, and white air forces. A simple outfit. You walked over to the table with Kirishma and Bakugo. They weren't hard to spot because of the angry bird's yelling. "You guys are having fun." You sighed.

"Kaneko thank god your here!" Kirishima cheered. "It's not that good." Bakugo sighed. "Bakugo even waited to order food until you got here." Kirishima pointed to him. "No! It just a coincidence that I'm hungry now." He pouted making you giggle, and him blush a bit.

"Kaneko why don't you sit down." Kirishima gestured. You looked at the seat beside him but he was using it to hold his backpack. You had a feeling he was up to this. You sat next to the seat next to Bakugo, and reached for the menus to see there were only two, which were already being occupied by the boys.

You looked around to see that most of the waiters were on the other side of the place. " Can I look over the menu?" You looked at Bakugo. He nodded and let you look. 'No complaining?' You tried to flip the page to look at the sushi. "I'm still looking robot girl." He grunted.

"Kirishima do you know what your getting?" You were waiting on Bakugo to be done. "Oh, the rice and beef meal." You looked on Kirishima's menu to see what he was talking about. "Oh that's a lot of meat." You chuckled. "I'll need meat to be strong, and a man needs to be strong." You nodded at his words and sat down.

"Bakugo do you know what you want yet?" You were still waiting on him. "Here I'm done you c-" "Here's mine." Bakugo overlapped Kirishima's words by giving his menu to you. "Oh." You mumble and start looking through it. "California Rolls..." You closed the menu. "It only took a second?!" You nodded. Bakugo grunted as the waiter came. "Ready for your orders?"


"That's why you always have to check for what's under you or you'll cause a chain reaction of things." Bakugo explained. You nodded along with his words. The waiter came. "Done?" The waiter asked. Bakugo nodded and took out his wallet along with Kirishima. You took out your phone to use Apple Pay then Bakugo stopped you.

"I'm the one who asked you over here, so I'll pay." Bakugo handed the waiter the money along with Kirishima and she left. "I have enough money to cover myself, I'm not broke." You turned to him. "I know, just that you could've been home so I'll pay." He said.


"Thanks for helping me study!" Kirishima bowed his head in thanks. You were all in the front of the restaurant ready to depart. "Yeah yeah..." Bakugo said. "You'll do fine on the test. I should probably check in on Mina and Kaminari though. But I think we all should be worried about the physicals." You sighed.

"Yeah it's no fair how they won't tell us what it's about." He pouted. You chuckled. "Okay bye now." He said and walked off. "Bye angry bird..." You said before walking away. "You can't walk home at night by yourself dumbass." He looked at you and you turned. "Sure I can." You smiled. "I'm serious." He then walked before you and put his black jacket over you. "Your outfit is very releveling, you would've had old men crawling all over you." He shook his head. "Yeah yeah..." You said leading the way to your home.

Your House

"I guess this is where we part ways." You smile. "Whatever dumbass." You only chuckle at his words. You decided not to see his anger in a bad way it was only who he was, and you had to understand that in order to be around him. He has made too much a big ego to bring it down now. You wave before walking off. "Good luck tomorrow." You said before walking in to your home.

"Good luck Kaneko."

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