The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain

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"Did you sleep Midoriya?" Todoroki turns to Midoriya. "No not really." He sighed. "I figured, I didn't get as much sleep as well." The heterochromatic eyed boy looked down. "Well I guess out of the four of us she's getting plenty of rest." Midoriya smiled a bit as he glanced at your sleeping body. "She sleeps a lot doesn't she?" Midoriya added.

"Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing. After everything that happened, it feels like a miracle that we're even alive. With my leg messed up I was an easy target." Midoriya says. "He probably could've killed me."

"I think he let us three live on purpose. I was impressed that you weren't killed." Todoroki looks at Iida. "He was trying to murder you, but you stood tall." "That's not true I was-" Iida was interrupted by people walking into your room.

"So the youngsters are awake?" Gran Torino stepped up a bit. "Gran Torino!" Midoriya was surprised to see the person he was interning with. "Well except for her..." Gran Torino glanced at you. "And Manual too." Iida met the eyes of the hero Manual. "Idiot! I could yell at you for hours right now! But before I do, you've got a visitor." The old man stepped back as a higher up walked in.

You were awoken by the sudden dog smell. 'Do I smell a dog-' You rolled over to see the chief of police. "Holy!" You whispered and stood up wincing at the bit of pain. "No, please stay seated." Chief Tsuragamae woofs after his words. 'Woof?!' You internally yelled then sat back down.

"Are you the four students who brought down the hero killer?" He asked and you four nodded silently seeing where this conversation may go.

"Stain had some injuries. Severe burning and several broken bones. Right now he is in the hospital under strict guard, woof. There is a lesson you should've already learned.

When the norm police foresaw to maintain the status quo, they decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons, that's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't if they were license of course.

And it would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly quirks. After all were here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their power now is because these strict code of ethics, the early heroes chose to abide by.

That's why it's against the law for people to use their quirks to cause injuries. Whether you are up against the hero killer or not. None of you have the authority to harm the villain. That means the four of you and your supervisors; Endeavor, 1-UP, Manual, and Gran Torino will be sure to receive harsh punishments for the gross abuse of your powers." You frowned a bit from the information you received.

"Now wait a minute. If Iida hadn't stepped in, that hero would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya both of them would be dead." Todoroki argued. "No one else even realized the hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying that we should've just stood by and watched people die?!" He got a bit louder causing you to worry. "Calm down." Midoriya tried to make sure Todoroki wouldn't do anything he regretted.

"So is it okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" The dog police spoke again. "But sir is it a heroes job to save people?" Todoroki glared at him. His old side was starting to come out again. "This is why your not a full fledged pro yet. It's obvious UA and Endeavor haven't been teaching you enough."

Your eyes widened at the chiefs words. "What a shame." He ended his words. "You damn mutt!" Todoroki gritted his teeth and stepped forward. "Seriously calm down!" You and Midoriya say in unison as Midoriya holds Todoroki back a bit which causes him to stay in place.

"Listen Todoroki he's right." Iida tried to help him as well. "You'll want to here him out." Gran Torino said.

"What I'm trying to say is that any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. And if it did you would probably be flooded by citizens everywhere. So on other hands we could say Endeavor saved the day." You looked at Todoroki as his face got more angry to the words the chief had just said.

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