"Okay, let's get over to the portrait studio, it's going to take a little bit to get you two dressed I'm guessing." She said taking a hand from each of us and walking out with us. Her hair wasn't done as high, but it was really pretty. We each told her that. "You're both going to steal the show," she assured us both.

When we got into her car, I noticed that my dresses from home weren't in there. "Umm... Melanie didn't you have my dresses earlier?" I asked her.

She didn't answer she just smiled at me. I wondered what she was up to. Last time something like this had happened was the week after I came out to my parents. We'd gone to the same portrait studio we were going to and she'd had dozens of outfits waiting for both of us there. 'Was she doing the same again?' I asked myself. I looked at Amy and she shrugged; she clearly didn't know any more than I did.

The two of us tugged our coats close to us as we got out and went inside the portrait studio when we got there. I could see the familiar 'Rogers Portrait Studio' sign and smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Hancock," he said as we walked in together. "Tiffany, Amy, how are you two ladies doing?"

I just smiled at him. I'd had a crummy day that was improving a lot thanks to pretty things. "I'm guessing you're ready to get these two changed and going?" he asked.

"Yes please," she said to him. "My husband should be along in about forty minutes. I figured we could get these two done in some individual poses, together, and a couple with me with them before he gets here then we'll do the ones with all of us in them."

"Sounds good!" He led us down to the changing rooms he had in his large studio. "It's all in there as you requested," he told her.

"Thank you," she told him and then opened the doors to two of the changing rooms. "Stay here for a second," she told us. She disappeared for a second and checked on something before returning, "Okay, Tiffany in this one, Amy in this one. Put on the dress that's in there and then come out here so I can make sure you are set."

I looked at her suspiciously before going into my changing room and seeing the dress.

"WOW!" I exclaimed. I ran out and hugged her real quick before returning to put it on. It was a gorgeous color that was somehow in between a true purple and lavender. It had two straps at the top, an a-line bodice, and a skirt that flared out. It had a ton of beads on it and as I touched it, I could tell it was made of taffeta. The best thing about it, I thought as I began taking it off the hanger, was that I was sure it wouldn't make me look like I was five! The pictures I'd taken with my parents the previous month certainly hadn't managed that feat. I'd looked much younger in those pictures – it had bothered me.

I unzipped the back and carefully slipped it over my head. I noticed that the netting that was poofing the skirt out was really rigid. After I slipped on the dress, I tried to zip it up myself, and was proud of myself when I succeeded. There was a bow at the back though, and I knew there was no way I would be able to tie it pretty enough for pictures so I just looked at myself in the mirror for a few moments. I was gorgeous. There was no other way to describe me at that moment. I smiled when I realized that you could sort of see the breasts forming on the inside of my dress. I had worried about that for a second since I knew my sports bra was definitely not appropriate for the dress, but I realized a second later the dress had a sort of bra built into it already.

"Are you about done in there, Tiffany?" I heard Melanie ask softly.

I breathed and walked out. "How do I look?" I asked her.

"Gorgeous," she breathed out, "you and Amy both." Amy was already in the process of putting on a necklace and earring set that her mom had handed her. As she looked up at me, I saw she had the same dress on as I did, in a bigger size of course, and hers was a pretty blue. "Turn around Tiffany and I'll get your bow for you," she told me.

Dreaming of Cheers (Standing Up to Life Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now