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Paul's POV
We laid her on the couch. It was just getting worse.
"Someone needs to rinse her off." David said. Everyone looked at me.
"...o-okay." I scooped her back up and brought her the back where we had a small water source. I removed her clothing. She's gonna hate us for this. Her wounds were bad. Thank goodness she's unconscious because if she were awake the pain would be unbearable. I carefully poured water over her body. When I felt I got all the holy water off, I wrapped her in a blanket and brought her back to the couch.

I love her so much. I can't lose her.
"How bad is it?" Dwayne asked.
"It's pretty bad...I feel like we could heal her, though. We have to." I looked down at her. He breathing seemed shallow. Shit.
"We need to do it now!" I pulled her close and bit into her neck. David bit into her arm. Dwayne and Marko bit into her other arm.

Brooke's POV
My eyes shot open and I gasped for air. The boys were all sat around me.
"What happened?" I asked, still catching my breath.
"The Frog brothers. I'm gonna kill those motherfuckers." Paul said. I remember now.
"...why am I naked!?" I yanked the blanket closer to me.
"I had to rinse you off, but I'm the only one who saw you. It's okay." Paul assured me.
"It's not over." I said.
"They've tried to kill two of us already...give me my clothes." I said. Marko tossed my my clothes. I wrapped the blanket tighter around me and ran to the bedroom. I changed and came back out.
"Come on...let's finish this already. I'm hungry." The guys whooped and cheered as we ran out to our bikes. It was 2 AM so we had time.

We pulled up at the bookstore. They had already closed but it looked like they were still in there making a plan of some sort. I think I know. We went up to the door expecting it to be locked but those dumbasses left it open. I walked in first.
"Boo." I said calmly. The two brothers screamed and held up stakes. David ripped them from their hands.
"Night night Edgar and Alan." Marko said. You know where this goes.


When we finished we felt so much better. No more danger...on our part.
"They had it coming." Paul said. We nodded and went back out to our bikes. I almost felt bad, but not enough. They hurt me and my family. No one is allowed to hurt the only people who have been there for me.
"Let's head home before the sun comes up." David said. We sped off. When we got home we cleaned up and smoked a few blunts.
"I love you guys." I said.
"Don't get all mushy with us." David joked.
"I'm serious, I love you." They stayed silent for a moment.
"We love you too." They all said. We did a group hug.
"Let's get some sleep it's been a long night." Dwayne said. All the boys except for Paul went to sleep. Paul pulled me in and kissed me passionately.
"I love you so much." He whispered.
"I love you, too." I whispered back. We finally went with the boys to sleep.

I'm really sad to say that this is the end! Kind of a weird ending. Btw I love the Frog brothers but I didn't want to kill off the boys in this story. There will most likely be more story's in the future, but I have to do some planning first. Thank you for reading!!💕💕

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