Night Creature

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I woke up again, but this time it was dark. My watch read 7:30 PM. I laid there with my eyes closed for a few minutes until I heard the guys. I kept my eyes closed. I felt something on the bed by my feet. When I didn't hear anyone anymore, I looked at the end of the bed to see a black trench coat with studs on the sleeves and pockets, a white button up and dark brown, almost black, leather pants. Where did they get this? Before I even fully got out of bed, Paul appeared.
"We got that for you. We though it would look nice on you." He said. It definitely reminded me of them, this outfit.
"I love it. Thank you." I said. He nodded and left so I could change.

Lucky for me, my shoes matched perfectly. When I finished, I combed through my hair with my fingers...that didn't work. I walked out and got whistles and winked from the boys.
"Do any of you have a brush or something?" I asked.
"Ooh, I do!" Marko said and ran out of sight before shortly coming back with a brush. It had blonde hair in it. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the clump of hair and threw it at him. He laughed and ran around the fountain.
"Thanks. I'm definitely getting myself a brush later." I said. Paul plopped down next to me. I smiled as he put an arm around me. I noticed the earring he was wearing. It's nice.

I finished brushing my hair and gave the brush back to Marko.
"Can we do it tonight?" Paul asked David.
"Do what?" They ignored me. David nodded and winked at me.
"Do what tonight?" I asked again.
"You'll see." Dwayne said.
"Do you guys know how creepy that sounds?" Paul shrugged and David chuckled. What am I getting myself into?

We all got up and headed to the bikes, but I noticed there were 5 instead of 4.
"This is yours." David told me. I was shocked. I did know how to ride a motorcycle, but I haven't ridden one in over a year.
"Thank you guys...where did you get it?" I asked.
"That is a good question...Paul?" David looked over at Paul.
"I found looked the parking lot." He said.
"I'm not riding a stolen motorcycle!"
"Do you want to come or not?" David smirked.
"Fine." I got on and turned the keys. David took off, then Marko, then me with Paul and Dwayne behind me. I was surprisingly doing fine. We kept going until we made it to a bridge with train tracks. Oh hell.

We stopped and got off.
"What is this? A mass suicide?" I questioned.
"Marko." David said.
"Goodnight." Marko said before jumping off.
"Marko!!" I ran to the edge of the bridge to see him holding on.
I backed up a little and Paul walked to the edge.
"Bottoms up!" He snapped his fingers and jumped as well. What are they doing. Dwayne jumped without saying anything. Then, David was next.
"You're one of us now." He said, and jumped.

I went back to the edge and looked down at them.
"Come on!"
"Brooke!" They all said. Urging me to join them. I took a deep breath and slowly brought myself down to where they were. I didn't have much upper body strength.
"Haha yeah!" Paul cheered me on.
"Don't be scared, Brooke." David said with a freakish smile. All of a sudden I heard a train coming and I started to panic.
"Hold on!" David yelled over the noise. Paul was the first to let go.
"Paul!" I screamed. The all just laughed. Dwayne and Marko let go. Then David. Then it was just me. I couldn't hold on anymore. My hands slipped and I fell. Everything went black.


I opened my eyes to see my room in my house. What? I sat up and noticed my window was open. It was still nighttime.
"What happened?" I asked myself. I had to find the guys. I left out of my window. The motorcycle was there. I got on and sped away. First I checked the boardwalk. Nothing. Then the beach. Got a few dirty looks from the Surf Nazis, but other than that, nothing. I headed to the cave. When I got there I stormed inside.
"What the hell happened!?" They all looked at me.
"You're one of us." David said simply.
"What does that mean!?" I was getting frustrated.

Paul got up and wrapped an arm around my waist.
"Come with us." He said.

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