Chapter 7: Recovering

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We eventually got to headquarters, and everyone went their separate ways. It was late at night, so everyone went straight to their bedrooms. I took in all of my stuff and went to Pietro and I's old room, which now we were all staying at.

I walk in, and set my stuff on the floor. I remember all of the memories in here, the tickle fights, the arguments over stupid stuff, the intiminate moments, and the jokes. I sigh, not wanting to have another meltdown, knowing that won't end well.

I changed out of my suit, and put on some comfortable clothes. I slip on some shorts, a t-shirt, and some fuzzy socks. I grab Pietro's jacket again, and put it on, feeling weird without it.

I went into bed, but ended up staring at the ceiling for 2 hours. I turn to the clock, and see how it was 4 am and there is no way I'm going to fall asleep. I got up slowly, grabbed a gun, not trusting anything and trudged through the halls.

I then hear some unfamiliar voices talking in the main room, and I stiffen. My gun from the back of my shorts, and hold it up, already taking the safety off. I slowly walk into the main room, and I hear the voices getting louder.

I enter the room, and I see the glimpse of a person, and I immediately shoot my gun at them. What I didn't realize was that it was the news, and I just shot the TV dead. Steve, who was sitting on the couch, looked back at me. I held my gun up at him, then put it down when I realized it was him.

"You just shot the TV," he says, looking back at the now shattered screen.

"Sorry, I thought someone sneaked in," I say, putting my gun down on the kitchen table. I get a bottle of water, and sit on the counter with my head in my hands.

I didn't have to look to know Steve was already in front of me, leaving against the island. I look up, seeing Steve do exactly what I thought he was doing. "Natasha told me what happened in your apartment," he says.

"Enjoyed it. The one who usually helps with everyone else's problems break, and doesn't know what to do," I say, coldly, and I sigh, muttering an apology.

"You don't need to try and be brave for anyone. You lost a lot too," Steve says.

"But, someone has to be the one to pick everyone up," I say, and take a sip of my water.

"Everyone lost someone, y/n. I lost Bucky, Sam. Thor just lost his brother, and half of Asgard," Steve says, and takes a shaky breath. "If you hold onto guilt for too long it will come and hit you like a bus later. You let your guard down once in 24 hours after everything happened, and it was delayed. Imagine what's going to happen if you hold it in for the rest of your life."

I didn't say anything, and neither did he. We just sat there, in silence, but it was a needed silence. We moved to the sitting area, and we started to clean up the broken glass. The night became day, and the sun rose, and soon everyone came out of their rooms.

But they were very silent, and everyone was minding their own business. There was small talk here and there, but everyone was using their different ways of coping. Natasha worked out, Bruce was in the lab, Rhodey was dealing with politics, Steve was going through pictures of him and Bucky in the 40's, Thor was sulking in all of this regret, and I was doing a mixture of all.

There would be days where I didn't have enough energy to even get out of bed to get food. Those days, Natasha would stop by my room for a couple of minutes while she was taking breaks, just to make sure I was okay.

Then there were other days where I just needed to get my anger out. I go down to the gym, where Natasha was already there, and take out all my anger. I pretend the punching bag is Proxima's gut. I imagine Thanos face, as I'm in the shooting range, not missing one shot.

There were also days I just needed to get out of the building, feeling trapped for some reason. I would grab my motorcycle, and ride to nowhere. I just felt the wind go through my hair, and think.

A little over 3 weeks passed, and it's been the same. Everyone keeps to themselves, unless someone breaks down and I usually try to talk to them. When I break down, usually it was Natasha or Steve, but it only happened 4 times since the apartment. I don't like showing my feelings, so I guess when I break down, you know something is wrong.

I was in the gym, late at night, currently hitting the punching bag. I pause for a second, taking a deep breath. Then I hear the chains that are holding up the bag starting to chime, since they were bouncing off each other. I look over at Natasha, who was at the shooting range, and she gives the same confused look to me.

We ran outside, meeting up with Rhodey, Steve, Bruce and Pepper. We notice in the sky, a spaceship, and a light that seems to push it. What appears to be a woman lands the ship, and out what's a blue person and Tony.

Steve runs up to help Tony, who thinned out incredibly, and I follow close behind. I could hear their conversation, but Pepper ranned up, passed me, and embraced Tony in a hug. I could see Steve's face and I could tell that he was happy for Tony, but upset that he lost Bucky. If I'm being honest, my heart sank slightly, not being able to reunite with Pietro the same way.

I walk up next to Steve, and grab his hand, squeezing it slightly. "It's not fair," he whispers, just so I could hear it. This was probably the one selfish thing he has said his whole life.

"It's never fair," I whisper back, and we all made our way back inside.

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