Chapter 9: Hope

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Natasha, Steve, Carol and I were all silent while we waited to hear about Tony. Rhodey walked out and said, "Bruce gave him a sedative. He's gonna probably be out for the rest of the day."

"You guys take care of him, and I'll bring him a Xorrian Elixir when I come back," Carol says, and starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

Without hesitation, without looking back, she says, "To kill Thanos." We all looked at eachother, and we followed her.

"Hey," Natasha says, grabbing Carol's attention, making her turn around. "You know, we usually work as a team here, and between you and I, morale's a little fragile."

"We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too," Steve adds.

"Do you even know where he is?" Rhodey adds.

"I know people who might," Carol says.

"Don't bother," Nebula, the blue person who Rocket is familiar with, says. "I can tell you where Thanos is." My ears heighten, and we all walk closer to her, blood boiling for revenge. I know that that isn't supposed to be my 'style' anymore, but Thanos crossed the line.

"Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I'd ask 'where would we go once his plan was complete?'. His answer was always the same: 'To the Garden'," Nebula says, leaning against the table where we were now all circled around, and Bruce joins us in the conversation, while Thor sits in the corner.

"That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan," Rhodey says.

"So where is he?" Steve asks,and I'm eager to do something to the big purple thing.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it, until two days ago. On this planet," Rocket says, who's on top of the table. He brings up a hologram of Earth, and moves it to a different plant, showing the shockwave is the same.

"Thanos is there," Nebula says.

"He used the stones again," Natasha says.

"Hey, hey, hey. We'd be going in short-handed, you know," Bruce says, being his nervous self.

"Well, short-handed is all we have now," I say, emotionless.

"He still got the stones, so-" Rhodey says, and Carol finishes for him.

"So let's get him.. Use them to bring everyone back," Carol says, and my mood lifts. That's possible. We can bring everyone back. Sam, Wanda, Pietro.

"Just like that?" Rhodey asks.

"Yeah, just like that," Steve says.

"Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this... I mean, we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try," Natasha says, looking over to me.

"If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before," Bruce says.

"Because before, you didn't have me," Carol says, obviously trying to isolate herself as the most useful being here.

"Hey, blondey, everyone here is about that superhero life," I say, tired of her thinking she's the best here.

"And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?" Rhodey asks.

"There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn't have you guys," Carol says. Thor, who was sitting behind her, walks up to her, and they face each other, both serious. Thor holds out his hand, and the Stormbreaker comes to his head, and Carol doesn't flinch, but smirks at him.

"I like this one," Thor says, and smiles for what I think is the first time in 3 weeks.

"Let's go get this son of a bitch," Steve says, and I immediately go to my work closet. I put on my suit, ready for whatever happens because honestly, besides Nat, I don't have anything to lose. I grab my two swords, putting them on my back, and add multiple knives in my boots.

I walk out of my room, and down the hall where I see Thor, all suited up, with his Stormbreaker in hand, sitting on his bed. "Hey big guy," I say, leaning against the doorway, and he looks up at me. "Want to tell me what's going on in there," I ask, walking up to him, messing up his hair slightly.

"I lost everything. My brother, half of Asgard, and I thought I could still save everyone, yet I couldn't," he says. "I don't know how you still get up to train, or go outside. I can't be anywhere without thinking of them."

"You lost the most out of everyone, and everyone grieves differently. I have days where I can't get out of bed, and days I want to kick the living hell out of a punch bag. Everywhere I'm reminded of the people we lost, Pietro, Wanda, but I know they wouldn't want me to soak in grief and to either move on, or find a solution to get them back," I say, laying my head on Thor's shoulder.

"Everyday, it gets easier to keep going, but it never gets easier knowing that life could be different if they were still here. We just keep going, because that's what they would want," I say.

"You're a brave girl, y/n. You have all my respect," Thor says, and I smile.

"You have my respect too," I say. I get up and hold out my hand, which Thor accepts. "Let's go get them back." Hopes are high right now, don't let me down, anyone, please.

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