v. dancing with our hands tied

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[ TW// panic attack after the ✰ ! ]

"yeah we were dancing,
like it was the first time."


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finley rose an eyebrow at dallas,
who gave her a smile.

"as long as this is never spoken of,
yes i will dance with you."he gave wren
a cheeky, but childish look, and she threw
her head back laughing like a little kid.

they were home alone at
the curtis's house, with
'i can't help falling in love with you'
by elvis presley played in the
other room, but they could still hear it.

her arms gently wrapped around
dallys neck, while his made their
way around her waist.

it was her homecoming dance
night, and as much as she wanted
to go, she didn't want to be around
drunk soc's all night. so instead, dallas
had promised to dance with her.

the sound of elvis presley's
voice echoed throughout the
room, as her hips swayed
back and forth.

"i swear i cant dance."she
chuckled, and dallas shrugged.

"i know one thing you can do."he
grinned, sweeping her from her feet.

a squeal left finley's lips as
dallas climbed up the stairs.

the emotions and excitement
he made her feel, overjoyed
her. he was what she imagined
as someone she would marry.

and that was dallas,

it was always be dallas


she finally came back to reality as
'i can't help falling in love with you'
played on the record player.

her breathing hitched, and she
closed her eyes, "turn it off."

soda furrowed his eyebrows,
knowing this was one of finley's
favorite songs.

"why isn't this one of
your favorite-"soda was
cut off, as finley went into
a full blown panic.

"turn it off!"she screamed,
and darry quickly got up from
his chair, going over to finley.

"turn it off!"

"pony make it stop!"darry yelled,
and pony did the best he could to
get the record to stop.

"turn it off!"finley screamed,
with her cries being heard
within the neighborhood but
nobody questioned it.

all of the memories flooded
in like a wave, crashing into

from when he had made
her his own, to stepping
on his feet by accident,
and being worried he'd
stop dancing with her, but
he never did.

the music slowly faded out,
but finley's screams & cries

"out!"darry instructed, pointing
his brothers to go outside,
but the memories kept playing
in finley's head.

"make it stop!"she cried,
trying to push past darry,
and darry grabbed ahold of

"finley wren curtis!"

darrys yell shook her, and
she held back her sobs with
wide eyes.

and the memories stopped.

he held her shoulders, - not in
an angry way, but to kept her
in place as he soon wrapped her
into a hug.

her sobs were muffled by
darrys black tee shirt, as
her knuckles turned white
from her death grip.

"i've got you."he whispered,
stroking her hair, letting her
cry everything out.

"make it stop."she whispered,
and darrys eyebrows furrowed.

"make what stop wren?"he
asked, and she took a deep
breath in.

"make the memories stop."

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