Saying Goodbye

902 37 7

Third Person POV

"She wasn't drugged, she was poisoned."
Adrian's eyes filled with tears and he unclipped his hair. He didn't like others seeing him like this. He didn't like being viewed as weak. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"I'm sorry I didn't protect you, love."
Sebastian stormed out of the room, leaving Grell and Adrian in the room with (y/n). Ciel had left to take Elizabeth home. Grell shook her head.
"There's always someone after that child, I swear. A real shame she had to live her life afraid of people all the time."
Adrian nodded and Grell hugged him.
"Undertaker, it's for the best. She won't have to look around every corner scared for her life anymore. You know she loved you, right?"
He nodded and Grell walked to the door, turning to say something before he left.
"Thank you for being a sister to me, (y/n). I'll never forget you."
She walked out, closing the door behind her. Adrian was the only one left, standing there crying at her bedside. He knew that if he hadn't left her, she would still be alive right now. He kicked himself, knowing that now he would never get to see her beautiful smile again. Never get to hear her contagious laughter, never get to hear her say I love you. It broke him inside knowing that her death was his fault. He shouldn't have left her. He sunk to his knees. He knew that he didn't have much time left with her.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I never should have left you."
Sobs racked his entire body, his eyes practically drowning in tears. He stood up and put his hand on her cheek. It was still warm. He brushed the hair out of her face. She truly did look like an angel. He leaned over and kissed her for the last time. He stood up, looking down at her motionless body. She exhaled, but didn't inhale again. She was dead. He covered her with a blanket, and left the manor. He closed his eyes and ran. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and looked up to see (y/n)'s window in his shop. He smiled. His shop was where it had all started. He climbed in through her window and stood in her room, looking around. The red dress she had worn to the first ball was hanging up on the wardrobe door. He remembered how stunning she had looked in that dress. A true princess. His princess. He turned and saw her bed unmade from the last time she had slept in it. He touched the blanket, thinking about how peaceful she looked when she slept. He walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw a tray of cookies they had made together still sitting on the counter. There was flour in the floor from their food fight. There was still even a note she had left for him on the fridge.


I'm going to see my father for a while. I'll see you when I get back. I love you

A tear slid down his face. He read the last part over and over again, wishing she were still here to say it herself. He walked into the main part of the shop and saw the coffin she had slept in when he first took her in. He walked over to it and closed the lid. It was only fitting that it be her coffin again. He grabbed a rag and some cleaning spray and scrubbed it clean. She deserved the best of everything, and he planned on giving it to her. He collapsed to the floor, crying hysterically. He couldn't accept the fact that she was gone. There had to be something that could bring her back. He punched the floor over and over again. He could feel the bones in his hand breaking, but he didn't care. He deserved the pain. He went to bring his fist down again, but it wouldn't go down. Something had caught his hand. He looked up and saw Grell, tears in her eyes.
"Undertaker, you can't do this to yourself. You know this isn't what she would want if she were here."
She would still be here if it weren't for him. It was all his fault.
"Grell, leave me alone. Now isn't the time."
Grell sighed.
"No, Undertaker. Go take a shower and calm down, then let me see your hand. Red is a stunning color, but not on you."
He stood up and walked up to his room. He turned the water as hot as it would go and stepped into the shower, not caring that it was burning him. He was already dead, it wasn't going to kill him. Meanwhile at the Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian walked into his daughters room. He saw her laying there, dead. He covered her face with the blanket and wiped tears from under his eyes.
"I'm sorry I let this happen to you, (y/n). I'm your father, I should have been there when you needed me. I'm glad I got to know you, even if it was only for a few months. I love you."
He walked out of the room and began calling different morticians. He couldn't ask Undertaker to do it. He knew how much he loved her, and how torn up he probably was. He sighed. He was alone again. His wife and daughter both dead. He couldn't help but cry, he loved her after all. Adrian stepped out of the shower, his hand still bleeding. He got dressed and walked back downstairs, where there was a visitor waiting for him. It was Will. He pushed up his glasses with his scythe and sighed.
"Undertaker. We need to talk."

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