Meeting Undertaker

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Third Person POV

Y/n was walking around the streets, trying to find a dry place to sleep for the night. After the death of her mother, weird men kept coming to the house. Eventually she left, feeling unsafe. Now she was left wandering the streets of London, alone and with no money. She was tired. She hadn't slept for days. She saw an empty box in an alley, so she walked over. She laid down on the ground, putting the box over her. She hoped the rain wouldn't wear through it during the night. She laid there thinking about what her mother was thinking about her, watching her from above. She sighed and let the darkness consume her. Not long after, a door in the alley opened. It was the Undertaker, coming outside to throw the trash away. He kicked the box trying to move it out of the way, but it was solid. He lifted it up and saw a girl underneath. He giggled, thinking it was another body. He loved his work. He threw the garbage away then came back to the girl, picking her up. She was soaking wet, and really skinny. She wasn't long from death if she kept on this way. He took her inside and set her down inside one of the coffins. He covered her with a blanket and put the lid on the coffin.

Your POV

I groaned. I was soaking wet and starving. I could hear my stomach growling. I looked around, but everything was black. I couldn't lift my arms up. I was trapped inside something.
"Somebody help me. Please!"
I was starting to freak out. I had a giant fear of being trapped. I heard a giggle and light started flooding in. I sat up, looking around. All I could see were coffins. I had no idea where I was.
"Finally awake dearie? Hehehe I was wondering if you were going to wake up."
I looked over and saw a man with long, grey hair looking at me.
"Who are you, and where am I?"
He grinned.
"Don't be scared, dear. I found you in the alley, so so brought you inside. My name is Undertaker, and you're in my shop. Now it's my turn for questions."
I nodded and my stomach growled. He started laughing and my face turned red. He thought it was hilarious. I didn't understand what he was laughing about, but I smiled. His laughter is contagious.
I nodded and he turned around.
"Follow me dearie. You can shower while I cook."
I followed him through the store and into a bedroom.
"Thank you."
I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I was ready for a nice, long shower. I looked in the mirror while the water was heating up. I didn't even look like the same person I was before mom died. My dress was in pieces and I was filthy. After I showered I walked out into the bedroom and saw a (f/c) dress on the bed. I put it in and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a lot better. I combed through my hair and walked out into the kitchen. He looked at me.
"Do you like cookies? Hehe."
I nodded and walked over to the table. I don't know what it was about him, but I felt safe around him.
"Thank you, I feel much better now."
He nodded.
"What's your name, dearie?"
"My name is (y/n) Michael." (You will understand why later)
My stomach growled again and he laughed. He pushed a plate of bone shaped cookies near me and I took one. It was really good.
"So, what were you doing in the alley?"
I shrugged.
"I've been wandering London for a while now. My mom passed away about six months ago. Weird people kept coming to the house, so I left. I didn't feel safe around them."
He grinned.
"Do you feel safe around me?"
I nodded. I took another cookie and ate it. He was still looking at me, not saying anything.
"Would you like to live here, (y/n)? You can help keep the shop clean, and I can give you a place to stay."
I nodded.
"Thank you, Undertaker. For everything." 

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