"Fine" he huffed.

And within a second his free hand had a tight grip on the bags I was holding. He started yanking them away but I still held on with all the strength I could accumulate from my body but since he was so much blessed with the strength he succeeded.

Then he placed the bags behind him and turned me fully to face him.

"Now it's either you tell me and I let you have those bags or you don't and we could keep this on forever" he smirked earning an eye roll from me.

"Would you let me be if I tell you?" I growled.

"Yeah and don't bother lying to me. I'm very good at sniffing out lies. If anything I know psychology" he narrowed his eyes.

"Whatever" I scoffed

"Then tell me"

"Mom's at the hospital and I need to get these to her ASAP" I answered.

"Now that was easy right?"

I rolled my eyes. I swear if I do that again my eyes are going to come off from the effort I put into rolling them.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked.

"No, you already did more you're supposed to" I glared at him "And why are even caring about what's happening and what's not happening?" I huffed in frustration.

"Because I should," he said in an annoyed tone.

"Then don't!" I snapped at him.

I'm a bitch when I get emotional.

"And why fuck should I not care?" he yelled getting dangerously close to my face.

His patience must have worn out.

"And why the fuck should you care when you're supposed not to. You're supposed to be with Tye and going around and moving with him not here trying to make me see hell" I yelled back.

"Why can't you see me huh?" He yelled again.

"See what?" I scrunched up my face.

"That I'm fucked up because of you, that I'm fucked trying to make things good, that I just really care about you"

"What does that mean?" I asked, my tone softening up a bit.

"It means this" he closed the distance between us with his lips on mine.

I stood there frozen as my mind tried to work out the complicated situation unfold at hand and before I could push him away, the door opened with loud noise as a least three people trotted in noisily but then suddenly went silent.

Eugene suddenly pushed me away making me land on my butt painfully.

"Ouch," I groaned.

"What the fuck?" Eugene snarled wiping his lips furiously.

"What did you mean what the fuck? Shouldn't I be saying that?" I shouted and helped myself off the floor.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" Tye spoke behind me.

I turned to face him with three boys behind him as the one closest to the door shut the door with a soft click.

Shit, I am just going to see hell again.

"How was he raised?" Eugene pointed to me "Is he a slut? he just kissed me out of nowhere" he scrunched up his face.

"Excuse me, mister?" I snapped at him.

"Shut the fuck up when we're talking!" Tye retorted.

"What?!" I yelled.

"I'll tell you what. You just tried to seduce a friend of mine you slut" he gave out an inhuman growl. I mean he growled like an animal.

"What shit is-" I started but got interrupted with a heavy blow to my right cheek.

I landed on the floor and groaned in pain from the much more painful impact that my ribs made with the floor.

"I told you to shut up" Tye snickered. "Well dudes, I bet it's been so long since you had released and since my baby bro here wants some, why don't you help him. I'll be so thankful" he continued with a sickly sweet smile to his three friends who came with him.

"Sure" they replied in unison with a very sinister chuckle.

I tried getting up but was quickly tackled to the floor by Tye.

"Where are you going?, We were just getting to the fun part little bro" he chuckled evilly.

"Let go" my voice strained out as I tried to free myself.

He held my two wrists above my head and beckoned to one of the guys to hold my legs down. I started thrashing and wiggling around for some sort of freedom but to no avail. Suddenly my shirt was ripped off by Tye followed by the shorts I was wearing leaving me in only my boxer briefs.

"Please Tye, don't do this" I begged as tears pricked my eye.

"Too late for that" he smiled.

"Please" I begged again but this time the tears were out.

"You should have thought earlier. You don't mess with me and go scot-free" he singsonged followed by a brutal blow to my cheek which made me see dancing stars.

I looked up to Eugene with pleading eyes but he just turned away and faced the opposite direction. Now all my hope was lost.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see whatever they were going to do. I screamed and screamed but no one was coming. It was in the middle of the night and probably everyone was sleeping and those who weren't were probably thinking that it was fucked up kid coming from a nightclub or party.

Two calloused palms roamed my body and pinched my nipples stopping my train of thoughts.

The hands started roaming my body, grabbing harshly and probably leaving some bruises. The guy holding my legs opened it wider and a body settled between it dry humping me with a ridiculously huge hard rod. I cried more thinking of how my body was going to be used in every fucking painful way. A slap landed on my cheek followed by laughter.

"This is going to be amazing." A voice said mischievously.

"Yeah, I can't even imagine" another reasoned.

"And he even got flesh in all the right places" the voice from earlier laughed and slapped my butt cheek.

A hand touched the waistband of my briefs and I braced myself for what was going to happen next. Suddenly it was as if I had lost all strength and sense. I couldn't even think and my body felt limp. The tears were coming out of their own accord and with my eyes still closed I gave up and lay still.

"Stop" Eugene's voice suddenly came out loud.

So he had finally grown a backbone.

"Just stop, it's more than enough" he paused. "I think you have made your point clear" he added.

"Oh come on. Don't be a K.J, let's just have this fun" one of the voices said.

That was when I opened my eyes to see Eugene toss the body on me away.

"I said stop!" he screamed at him.

This made Tye and his friend's grip loosen and that was when I remembered that I knew martial arts. I delivered a kick to the one who was holding my leg and turned sharply on my back giving a kick to Tye giving me the freedom to somersault and bolt out of the room, grabbing my shorts into the chilly air of midnight with just my boxer briefs, clutching my shorts to my chest like my life depended on it.

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