I set up the camera testing it out. And yelled at Noah to come back in the living room. Now he thought that we were just opening up a email but, my mom yesterday was soooo concerned that this was so boring (eye roll). Which I honestly don't care about. I just want to know at this point. So, she opened the email and then got me this box and there was either a girl outfit or a boy outfit in it. I loved the idea especially because we could use the outfit to announce. I know that Noah will love this as well. This pregnancy has been low key traumatic for both of us. And being stuck in a apartment together over Christmas not being able to see our family was hard. So a little bit of fun was greatly needed But it took all the self control in my body. Not to just peek in the box and find out. This entire pregnancy I was sure that it was a boy. But I'm starting to now I'm starting to have second guesses. Like what if I do have a girl. But regardless I will be happy with either.

"Hi guys it's Dixie." I started saying "Are you filming without me!" Noah asked walking in "Oh gosh I kind of forgot about you." I told him laughing "Ahhh" Noah huffed acting like I hurt him. "Hi it's Noah Beck, the forgotten boyfriend." He said. I laughed at it too. Because I did really forget him and it was pretty darn funny. "So like how are we going to explain this." Noah asked me. "Well they will see this after we had already announced."  I told him "OK, I'm just gonna say it. Im pregnant. By the time you're watching this video you already know." I straight up just said. I looked over at Noah he looked like he just saw a ghost. I poked his arm. "Hey are you OK?" I laughed at him "Oh yeah, this is kind of weird to hear some body say it." He told me. But he was absolutely right it is crazy to hear somebody say it.

We went over what we thought the baby was going to be. And of course added the classic parent phrase "as long as it's healthy" in their a few times, or the "we will be happy with either." Which we actually really do not care, and will be happy regardless. But we do of course have our preference. Well really only Noah has one. Which is a girl. But again he doesn't care and will be thrilled with a boy if that happens.

"You ready." He asked me "Yess" I said giddy "But before we start I have surprise for you." I added. I saw his eyes widen. Before I even gave him a chance to talk. I walked over to the kitchen drawer. And pulled out the box. "A box! What's in that?" He asked "I don't know, well I know a long the lines. But I don't know." I told him. He reached over to open it and I had to swat his hand away. " So my mom yesterday was soooo concerned that this was so boring. Which I honestly don't care about. I just want to know at this point. So, she opened the email and then got me this box and there was either a girl outfit or a boy outfit in it." I explained the idea. "That's actually really cute. So you have no idea what is in the box like at all?" He asked me "Yeah, like I know there's gonna be some sort of baby item in there but I don't know the color. She told me that it would be something involving blue for a boy and something involving purple for a girl." I told him "This is honestly a really good idea though. Like this is sooo cute." He told me "I knew that you would like it." I said

"So are you ready?" Noah asked while tapping on the table. "yeaaaah" I said super giddy. "WAIT! Last guess. Right now." He told me "Boy, wait no girl, wait boy, yeah boy." I said unable to make up my mind "So boy final guess." He asked "Yes" I said "I think girl." He announced confidentiality. "Count of three." He said "yeah" I told him. We started to count.
As Noah flicked the box open the first thing I saw was a little blue zipper onsie. "Wait what?!" I said as I saw the box. "Blue it's blue. It's a Boy!!" Noah said ecstatically  "yesssss." I chuckled so happy.

And a gray baby blanket with foxes on it. He lifted up the sleeper so the camera could see. I put my hand over my mouth unable to stop smiling. I looked over at Noah who looked absolutely shocked. But immediately started to smile like crazy. He pulled me into a tight hug. "It's a boy, it's a boy babe." He said pulling me up for a kiss. I kissed him. And then I pulled back. "This is crazy, oh my god." I said "This kid broke a strong bloodline of girls." Noah laughed "He really did!" I laughed as well

We wrapped up the video by saying how happy we were. To have a little boy. And we showed them everything in the box. Which was honestly so adorable. It will be perfect for announcing, The pregnancy. Once we ended the video. Noah admitted that I proved him wrong. I of course laughed at him and told him that I always will. After that Noah told me that he had a surprise for me. I asked him "Is it that package that you were so happy to get this morning." "Yes." He laughed while walking over to his back pack. He pulled out this package from target and walked over to me. I was utterly confused because I don't think I've ever seen Noah get anything from target ever. "Go ahead open it." He told me. I started opening the package not really thinking about anything. But when I saw what was in there I was immediately so impressed with him. I saw these two little baby sleepers. With little stars on them. "Aww, thank you bub." I told him and then kissed him.

I am so incredibly lucky to have this man in my life. And our son will be so lucky to have him as a father. The amount of love I feel is astronomical.

* BABY DOAH IS A BOY. I know a lot of you are going to be mad at me. But I really could only imagine the story going forward if the baby was a boy. Also Leave name suggestions in the comments. I'm pretty sure I have a name picked out but you never know!!! Also thank you so much for all the support. It really makes all the time I put in the story worth it!!!

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