Chapter 23

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Noah POV:

"Does he know how to swim?" Tayler asked me while hold Knox letting him kick his feet in the pool. "Dude, he's 8 months old. NO." I laughed at him. "Oh well, I didn't know that." He told me chuckling. "Here before you do anything even stupider than yourself, I'm taking him from you," Azra said while picking up the baby. "Oh my gosh your so sweet." She awed at Knox. "Yes, you already know that don't you, yeah." She added while he started to smile. "Oh for sure. He is VERY aware of how cute he is." I chuckled back.

"I didn't think that you were going to bring him," Kelianne told me while walking over to give me a side hug. "Yeah, I didn't either. But Dixie couldn't bring him where she's filming and his babysitter is sick. So here we are. He will probably fall asleep soon though."  I told her. as she walked over to the film crew.

We filmed which was for our new tv show that we got a exclusive on Hulu for. It was a crazy amount of work and it was hard having to be away from Knox so much. With the new string of COVID we have to lockdown again. Ugh. But on the bright side. I get to really spend a lot more time with my son, and I can give Dixie a break.

He's currently going through a sleep regression. After we finally got him to sleep 6 hour stretches. So, yeah. We actually spent Dixies 20th birthday trying to calm down a really over-tired Knox as he screamed bloody murder. So much fun.

"How did you guys manage to move in together, and have a literal child. But still somehow be the least domestic couple I know." Tayler laughed "I honestly don't even know. Like we are still traveling all the time. Still filming and doing everything. But he's just here." I told him as simply as I could.

But he really did make a point. One of the main reasons we weren't sure what to do when she was pregnant was because. Well, we didn't want to have our lives slowed down. After we decided to keep him. We both cried endlessly about the idea of losing what we have now or basic other things. But.. once he was born we didn't really slow down. After about a month we were right back into the usual swing of things.

Knox is such a easy and happy baby. So sweet, will cuddle with any body. Makes me want 10 more. But we both know how we absolutely cannot have another one right now. We're too unstable and young. Maybe in a few years though. Like 5. It's just not a good time lol.

We all finished up filming and Knox was done. Understandably, it's hot out here and we were all over it. I placed him back in the car. Turning the ac on. As I ran back to set to grab my bag before we could leave.

"Tired buddy? Yeah, me too." I said as we drove back home. "We're going to go home take a nap. Then moms going to get home. Then you guys are going to go to Nana and Pops house for dinner." I told him as he rubbed his eyes. "Love the enthusiasm." I chuckled.

We got back home and I carried him up onto the elevator. Staring at his sun kissed cheeks as he slept. Dixie will kill me when she gets home. But I swear I put sunscreen on him and a bucket hat. I don't even know how he managed that.

Once we finally got back in our apartment. Which is feeling far to small lately I rocked back and forth with him until he was just about to fall asleep. I placed him in his crib with his lovey and closed the door to his room slowly.

I moved back into the living room and collapsed on the couch. There was dishes in the sink and multiple rooms that needed to be cleaned. I only have about a hour until I have to go back out and do something. The not being domestic thingy definitely had its downsides. I opened the baby monitor app on my phone and just stared at Knox. We must have tired him out tonight because he is quite the sleepy guy.

I slowly fell asleep passed out on my stomach. Waiting for Dixie to get home. She was quite excited about her date with the baby tonight. Even if it was just to her parents house. Her parents and her definitely had quite the year. I don't think they really talked till right before she gave birth. Especially her dad. But after Knox was born they finally all got on the same page.

I chilled there. Scrolling through Instagram as I watched lightning strike all over the place through the windows. Which is the entire wall.  But yeah it's freaky especially because we are on one of the highest floors.

I heard a slight squeak from Knoxs room. Poor guy is probably horrified. He hates loud noises and new stuff and to this California born baby, rain is definitely new. I let him fuss for a second before waking in there as he seemed really shook up.

I opened the door to his room and saw him staring out the windows horrified gripping his lovey. "Hey hey hey. Buddy. I'm here. Your safe. It's ok." I told him as I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder. I closed the blackout blinds to his room and turned up the sound machine before rubbing his back. I walked out right when he was barely asleep and shut the door slowly.

I walked back down to the couch. And guess who I saw. Dixie. I walked over to her and lied down on her chest. "Hiiii" she said while rubbing my hair. "Hey baby." I awed at her "How's lettuce?" She asked as we curled up together. "He's the sweetest insane person I've ever met. Crawling all over the place...Wait you already know all of this. You are with him 95% of the time." I chuckled. "I know but he was crying pretty hard in there. And you just left him there. To find for himself all alone. In his. Sad. Cold.Crib." She said dramatically. "You saw that?! And hey hey hey. He has a sleep sack and a blanket. And I didn't leave till he fell asleep." I defended "k I'm going to go snuggle him." I groaned slightly as I she got up to grab him. She loves him so much. Even if I just put 20 minutes into putting him to sleep.

Dixie POV:

I walked into his room and saw him playing with the bars on his crib barely awake, rubbing his eyes. Once he saw me he smiled softly placing his arms out. "Ah" he squeaked looking at me. "Hi buddy." I awed as I picked him up. "Did you have a good snooze?" I asked as I kissed him all over his face. Knox moved his head to the side and placed his head on my neck. Snuggling up on me as I walked towards mine and Noah's room.

He is so energetic but somehow so sweet and cuddly.
He crawls so fast and is always standing up on things. I don't think he will walk for a while but he's getting close. After all he did open the cabinets yesterday and spread chocolate chips in every crevice of the place. I have no doubt that next week. When we go to Noah's parents house for thanksgiving he will get into everything. Love him though.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I chuckled at Noah while I sat down on the bed with the baby. "Knox is mom trying to kick me out. Yeah she is." He awed at him. Knox moved his head to face Noah and smiled at him. "Knox say Mama, Ma Ma." I told him slowly. "Ah" he said deeply. "Ok good enough." Noah said as he picked him up to kiss him goodbye.

"Mwah, Mwah, Mwah. Love you. Be good." He told Knox as he kissed his cheek playfully. "Bye baby." He awed as he kissed me "What time will you be back?" I asked "About 5 hours so like 9 or 10." He told me. "Got it. Love you."  I told him as I patted Knox's back "I love you to too." Noah told me. Knox started to wave goodbye as Noah walked out. He's just so big now that he can actually interact with us. He is so close to talking he tries so hard. Same with walking. It is so crazy.

Knox was fully awake at the is a point and was playing with my AirPods case. I nursed and changed him into a new outfit. Right as I finished I felt a wave of sickness come over me. I ran to the bathroom and put my head over the toilet. "What now." I groaned. Ugh. What now.

*So just to explain why I've been the reason I haven't been uploading is because well you know those Doah  story account on Tik Tok. (they stories usually suck) story that when I worked on tirelessly on. Has been copied by those accounts so many times. Like the exact same plot in a lot of places. I've tried deeming them they won't answer. I will give you the account. If you DM me and ask. But it's just super frustrating updating a book to just have somebody copy your story and then put it on Tik Tok and get more views and recognition for it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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