Chapter 7

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Noah POV:

"Noah, that is literally the cutest thing ever" Charli told me "do you think Dix will like it?" I asked "Yessss who wouldn't like that." She responded "K done I'm going to buy it" I told her "tell me if she likes it. Love ya bye." Charli said "I will" I said as I hanged up.

It has been about a month since we told our parents. Dixie was actually four months along now.My parents reacted actually pretty well. As expected my mom definitely did cry. And my dad did not hold back from yelling at us. Im not really talking to my dad right now same with Dixie and her dad. They both don't really want us to keep it. But all of their harsh reactions came out of being more concerned for both of us. Since we were so young. We have only told 2 of my friends yet and that is Bryce. Well we didn't actually tell him, he more or less found out himself. He picked up my phone to see why I was ringing so much and he saw my lock screen which was an ultrasound. And he figured it out then. And he immediately let it slip to Addison who is absolutely thrilled. I got mixed reactions from him he was mainly really concerned for both of us but he was also kind of upset. But regardless he still happy for us and being supportive.

We have absolutely no baby stuff still which is what I was talking to Charli about. I was scrolling through target and I found some cute little baby sleepers. And I wanted to surprise Dixie with them. I am same day delivering them to her apartment so I can surprise them with her tonight when we find out the sex.

We were going to be finding out the sex of the baby tonight. We were just going to open up the email and see what it said, because we are still on lockdown and we're trying to play it low. I am still very much team girl. And Dixie is still very much team boy. But regardless, this pregnancy has been so emotionally draining. It still is. That we will be happy with whatever. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't hoping for a girl. That's just what I always pictured. But a little boy would not be bad either. After all the only name that Dixie and I could agree on was a boy name. Malcom. Probably won't pick it though. We saw totally different on girl names. But that was cool becuase it gave us something to talk about, becuase we have been stuck in her apartment together for over 5 weeks. Because of lockdown. Which is definitely still going on.

As for the whole lockdown fiasco. It actually was not nearly as bad as we expected. We became a lot closer. Which was good thing. The only bad part about that is we got on each other nerves a lot easier. Dixie was also showing now so it made hiding it a lot easier. Like it's actually noticeable under shirts now. And we haven't announced it yet. As much as lockdown was good for us it was also really hard. Being in lockdown over Christmas and not being able to go home and see our family was rough. Especially because I was not able to tell my parents about the baby in person. But being yelled at over FaceTime about how you are so irresponsible is way better than in person lol.

Dixie POV:

"Hey babe" I said as I walked out of the shower back into the bedroom. "Hi bubs" he said while pulling me onto him "Are you excited for tonight?" I asked "Of course, I can't wait to see your face when I prove you wrong." He told me laughing "Well that will not be happening" I told him once again reminding him that I am almost sure it is a boy "well we will see" he told my stomach which was always the cutest thing. "Yes we will" I said "Cali what do you think, keep sleeping if you want a girl." Noah asked her. She of course kept sleeping. "HA! Cali thinks it's a girl. it's official." He said sarcastically

"Knock knock knock" i heard "oh it's here!" Noah said while walking to the door acting far to happy for his own good "What's here?!" I yell through the hall "Um...nothing" he said "oookkk" I said not really giving anything a second thought. He walked back in the bedroom. Asking me if we could just open the email up now. I had already told him that we should film it so we could possibly post it later once we announced it. But he was too anxious. "Yeah, I'm so excited right now." He said while kissing me "I am too. Maybe we can finally start getting things for them." I giggled "Yeah that would be nice." He told me Kissing me right after. But I needed him to let me set up. "Babe I really need to set this up." I told him pushing him away him acting dramatically hurt. While telling me he was going to go get changed.

Dixie and Noah UnexpectedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora