Chapter 4: RIP to the Ryder Jeep

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I turned up the music at a red light, happiness pulsing through my body. 

I glanced over at the car next to me. It was a group of very attractive guys in the car next to me. So I sang along at the top of my lungs, making them all laugh. 

With a wink, I accelerated to drive through the green light. I was still singing at the top of my lungs for the song. 

Over the loud music, I didn’t hear the honking coming from my right until it was too late. 

I panicked, slamming on the accelerator as I tightly grabbed the steering wheel. 

The back of my car was hit, and I was thrown against the window as my car spun to the side. 

This time, I slammed on the brakes and squeezed my eyes shut frantically. 

As the car came to a stop, I slowly opened my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. 

My dad was going to kill me…

With shaking hands, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. 

There was a middle aged woman getting out of the car behind me. 

“Stupid girl watch where you’re going!” The woman yelled at me, smoothing down her business bun hair. 

My eyes widened as I rested my hand against the car for support. 

“Excuse me ma’am but you hit me.” I said softly, feeling a bit light headed. 

“I’m calling the police. This is your fault. You’re so paying for this.” The woman snapped, pulling out her phone. 

“Right, right.” I mumbled, my head throbbing. 

“I leaned against my car, pushing my hair back from my forehead. 

Oh I was so dead for this… So so so dead…

20 minutes later found me sitting on the back of an ambulance, pressing a piece of gauze to the gash on my forehead. 

“Ms. Ryder?” A policeman asked, walking up to me. 

“Yes?” I asked, turning my head to look at him. 

“Hi, I’m Officer Rogers. I’m just going to ask you a few questions about what happened.” He said, sitting down on the back of the ambulance with me. 

“Yea yea absolutely.” I nodded, suddenly feeling nervous. 

“Can you tell me, in your own words please, exactly what happened?” The officer asked, holding a pen and paper pad in his hands. 

“Yea I was just about to cross Adams, the light had turned green, and I heard a lot of honking so I accelerated and the next thing I knew the car was out of control.” I explained, pulling the gauze away from my head. I winced before readjusting it, pressing a clean side to the gash. 

“Now Mrs. Peterson is extremely upset about what happened, can you tell me what happened right after the accident?” Officer Rogers asked, still writing on his pad. 

“I got out of the car and I figured we’d exchange insurance and stuff and I’d have my mom help me with all that stuff when I got home, but she started yelling at me about how it was my fault and I should’ve seen where I was going. Then she said she was calling the cops and just sort of walked off.” I explained. 

“Great, well here’s your license and registration back.” He told me, handing me the papers. 

“Thanks.” I smiled. 

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