Chapter 11.

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Setting: London, England
8:21 pm.
Adrielle's POV

I couldn't believe it. I stared at the positive pregnancy test in shock, I was pregnant and this was the 4th test I had taken. I knew the baby wasn't Cesc's... The last person was,

Cristiano. I am pregnant by my sisters husband. We had gotten into a fight a few weeks before, because I found out Cesc has been giving her money. It's her fault Cristiano broke up with her, she shouldn't have been all over MY man.

I decided to wait to tell Cesc, because I knew he would be upset and he was in a good mood today. Chelsea had won their match today.

I still couldn't believe it. But it wasn't my fault really since I was drunk. He should've stopped me.

I really hope me and Cesc wouldn't drift apart after this, because I really didn't want that to happen.

Setting:São Paulo, Brazil
1:24 pm.
Rafaella's POV

"Rafa, you are so annoying!" I heard my boyfriend, Lucas say. I rolled my eyes. He's just been really annoying since he found out I was pregnant and the baby wasn't his.

"Shut up, Lucas! Leave me alone!" I said back to him and turning on the tv.

"No! Why is there a guy texting your phone saying he enjoyed last night?!

"Your so over dramatic." I said and rolled my eyes. He gets mad over everything.

"No I am not! Your freaking pregnant Rafa, and you have a boyfriend! You need to get your act together and stop whoring around!" He yelled at me furiously.

"Did you just call me a whore?!"

"Yes, I did! Cause its the damn truth!"

"Get out!" I screamed. I don't know why I said that cause its our house that we shared.

"No, you get out. This is my damn house, it's in my name and I pay 90% of the bills with your lazy ass." He said to me making me feel stupid.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said stubbornly.

He scoffed and went upstairs for a while. He came back down with all of my suitcases. "Get the hell out, Rafa. I mean it! I'm done with all your bullshit!" He screamed and I was shocked. I couldn't believe he was actually throwing me out.

"Seriously, Lucas!" I said angrily hoping he was not serious.

"You are not the same girl that I fell in love with. This, it isn't you!"

"Fine, I've been cheating on you anyway," I said and left with my stuff and slammed the door. I cried silently, even though it was my fault. I called my mom, and she came to pick me up. She was disappointed in me, though. I couldn't blame her.

Sorry it was kind if short. I am also sorry for not updating! I'm a lazy person lol. I will update as soon as possible! 😘😘

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