The Beginning of The End

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First of all, I want to say how sorry I am for being late, but with the comes and goes of life, I had to put away just for a little bit my stories. Nevertheless, I am here with a new chapter and sorry but it is a little short, however it is the prelude for the fall of Sophia Sullivan, so super important.


As soon as Kara put her feet inside the house, she felt a shiver down her spine, a bad feeling that something was going to happen. The Sullivan house was dark. No curtains open to let sunlight in. Untouched and silent, the grandfather clock on the living room wall chimed, following young Sullivan's journey inside the house, as if it were a horror movie.

"Mom!" she shouted, without receiving an answer. She climbed the stairs, heading towards her mother's room, finding her there, sitting on the dorsel bed, lying down, leaning against the headboard. Her room was also dark.

"Thank God! You made me worried!" Kara said, dropping her backpack on the bedroom floor and sitting on the bed." Why is the house like this? Are you feeling well? Do you want me to open the curtains?" But before getting up, her mother's icy hand took her left wrist, preventing her from doing anything. If Kara could define a feeling that overwhelmed her at that moment, it was fear. After all, it seems that since her father's death, her mother has changed drastically, as if John were Sophia's pillar.

And in a way he was. He protected Kara as much as he could against Sophia's obsessive feeling not only of mother, but of owner as well. Kara never realized that, after all for her, her mother was always like that, and so was her way of loving her only daughter. But for the first time, Kara found herself alone to deal with her mother without a filter, without support, without protection, receiving the full dose of her madness, which for the first time seemed to be perceived by her, who at great cost did not want to run away that very same hour.

"What is it, mom?"

"We're moving."

And so Kara's brain short-circuited, not understanding what her mother really meant.

"What?" a whisper that almost didn't want to leave.

"We are going to move to another country. Argentina."

And the brain that stopped, returned to work in full force.

"Mom, you can't be serious! Our lives are here! My life is here!" And with no response from the apathetic Sophia, Kara took her mother's two hands, as if begging for something, which she didn't even know what. "Mom, do you know what you're talking about? Moving out like that out of the blue and the worst without even talking to me, asking if I would like it."

"We have nothing else here on this land. Our new life is out there. After all, this is what your father and I were investing."

And once again, Kara was static. "What?"

"That's right. Your father and I were thinking about starting a new life outside the UK. After all, we didn't have much left here."

And did dad agree with that? Kara did not know what to think, after all her father would never decide for such a decision without consulting his daughter, or rather, without thinking about the daughter's well-being. And before the young blonde could refute her mother's idea, Sophia was soon to continue her conscious manipulation of her daughter.

"Honey, think of it as a fresh start for both of us. Especially for you, who are so alone."

"But I am not alone. I have Lauren."

"What, that girl? I don't think so, honey. You see, she hasn't been a good influence for you. She made you lie to me and your father, and you still ran away from home! In my day, no friend of mine would dream of getting into a family relationship."

Kara opened her mouth in a failed attempt to argue against her mother. But, it was true, Kara was a lonely girl, who besides Lauren had no other friends, not even cousins to relate to. The only people who kept her complete and safe were her parents. And now, her mother alone asked her for one thing, which was just to forget ghosts of the past. She could do that, right?

"Think of it as your father's last wish. He would be happy with that."

And that was the last nail to seal Kara's fate for good.

Inspector Crawford

Inspector Crawford was sitting at his desk in the Scotland Yard office, with both hands together under his chin, thinking how aggressive his encounter with the possible accomplice of the baby exchanges was.

Of course, apart from the fact that the investigation had to be as cloaked as possible, in order not to be hindered by 'outside forces', these forces being the press, civilians did not help either - that some of their own free will have done their own research and to gain 15 minutes of fame, take the 'evidence' to the press.

Seriously! Never, that about ten years ago, Rupert would think about having such a case in his hands. If the everyday crimes were not enough.

His daydreams were interrupted after a policeman entered, without knocking on the door.

"Officer Highmore, knock before entering."

"I know, sir. But it is urgent! You need to see the results of Mrs. McRoy's autopsy."

And without delay, the inspector took the folder with the results, opening it with quick curiosity. And there it was, the word that confirms that the case is murder, evidence cleaning, in this case. Cyanide.

"Officer Highmore, I want a policeman on the street at the Sullivan house and search all over England for cyanide outlets and the list of those who bought it."

"Yes, sir."

Well, Mrs. Sullivan the siege is closing in on you.

This situation will soon be over little Kara. Until next time! And thank you so much for the love displayed to this story for the past few months, especially with the comments!

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