The End

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Hello everybody, here I am with my last post of 2020! And what a great chapter this one is going to be. I can't wait for the reactions. 


When packing her things, Kara discovered that her mother would have put the house up for sale, even before their conversation. That's because the girl asked her mother what to do with the furniture and Sophia replied that she didn't have to worry, as the furniture would be sold along with the house.

To say that Kara was shocked was just an understatement, as the girl was frightened by the anticipation of everything that was done, as if her mother would have thought of everything even before the conversation. Just like that to corner the daughter. When she put the last two bags on the doorstep, Kara saw the passages on the front entrance table. One way and not back, cementing the decision that would change her life forever. But it's not like she isn't going back to England. Only her mother didn't know that, but yes, Kara would return to visit her only friend, Lauren. That if she forgave her friend's disappearance without explanation.

Sophia, meanwhile, was sitting on the armchair in the living room, waiting for her daughter to finish packing and for the taxi to arrive to take them to the train station. The horn was the signal to get up and pick up some of the bags by the door. With the trunk open, the driver did a favor to help the women load their bags into the car. When the last suitcase was put in the trunk, the two got into the car, with Kara looking for the last time at the house where she lived all her life.

When the taxi started, at the house next to the Sullivan, the woman who received the card from the Scotland Yard inspector, called to announce the incident to the inspector.

Scotland Yard

When he gave that card to the Sullivan neighbor, Inspector Crawford never expected a call from her. And the call was not a good sign, after all, without proof that Mrs. Sullivan participated in the baby exchange, she could just be a victim. But after the meeting with her and now the call, which attested to a possible escape, things pointed to a result, Mrs. Sullivan knew about the exchange, so much so that she wants to flee the country to be with the girl.

But it didn't help that right when he got the call, Princes William and Harry were in the inspector's office when the call occurred. What was just a consultation to see how far the investigation is going, has now become a desperate attempt to save Princess Mary. So, even without identifying the cyanide buyer, police cars were called to run with the inspector to the airport, and along with them, the princes' car accompanied them.

Heathrow Airport was triggered by a possible escape from a woman in her forties, with a girl of twenty-seven, the woman with dark brown hair and the girl with blond hair. The inspector was informed that all boarding gates, plus the private boarding gates were being monitored. The princes were being informed simultaneously. Now it's praying that everything will work out.


It was the fastest trip Kara has ever taken. Not even her first trip with Lauren to London, a month ago, was that fast. The cars passed quickly by the girl's gaze, through the taxi window, that Kara would start to think that maybe fate really wanted her to go to Argentina.

Despite busy traffic, the journey from the train station to the airport was not long. Soon, the taxi parked at the boarding entrance for private flights. A concierge came to help load the bags for the flight. When Kara didn't take a step forward, Sophia stopped and turned to her daughter in question.

"Just a little nervous." And gave a wry smile.

Sophia, noticing Kara's displeasure and uncertainty, took a step towards her daughter and put her hands, covered in leather gloves, on each daughter's cheek and giving a comforting smile, she replied:

"I know it's a little difficult, but it will be all right, because we are together. And that's what matters."

And with their arms intertwined, the two walked together to the boarding gate. But, the two did not expect to see not only the concierge, but the two of them would also be barred by two airport security guards.

"What's the problem?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But, you are unable to board. Please retire to the waiting room." Said one of the guards.

This couldn't be right. After all, private flights were fast to board. But from her mother's expression, Kara felt deep down that something good is not going to happen.

"Well, that is not right. If there is nothing wrong with the flight, then what prevents us from boarding? I still paid everything."

Kara could see, by the restlessness of her arms and fast talking, her mother was getting angry with the guards and it could be fatal for someone.

"Please, ma'am. Retire to the waiting room."

Kara immediately thought about intervening. "Mom, let's go to the room. I'm sure it's nothing and we can get on board soon."

But Sophia didn't even look at her daughter, as she only had eyes for the guards. Out of the corner of her eye, Kara saw movement, then turned to see what it was. And what she saw could not be a stranger image, the princes William and Harry, with three policemen in pursuit. But she could not reflect what she saw, because a burst and then a pain, with a warmth invaded Kara on the right side of the body. Soon, darkness invaded.

What do you think? And, already answering future questions, no she is not dead, but a little wounded. After all, did you think Sophia would let her go away? If she can't have her, no one else can have her.

To every one of my readers, a Happy New Year! That the next year is better than this one. Kisses and hugs! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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