Chapter 4: Start Over

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Jisoo and Jennie start to get to know each other. Or do they?


"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!"

Jisoo stared at Jennie with wide eyes, not believing in what was happening.

"Did you not see me here?" She asked with her arms opened, looking at the red stain on her top.

"No, I didn't. That's why I'm apologising."

Jisoo sighed. She was feeling angry but at the same time she knew she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. She was looking at her phone when she collided with the girl.

"Well, I guess the fun is over for me. Can't stay here like this," she said frowning and turning around to leave.

"No, Ms. Kim...Jisoo! Wait!"

She felt Jennie grabbing her arm, stopping her from walking away. Jisoo stared at the girl's face and she looked indeed really sorry for what happened.

"You don't have to leave. Follow me."

Jisoo watched as the brunette released her arm and turned around. She followed her across the gallery and through a door on the very back of the building. It led to a hall with an elevator door. She saw Jennie pressing the button and the door opening. She walked in after the brunette, not understanding exactly where she was being taken. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and the door opened. They stepped into another small hall that looked incredibly fancy. Jisoo looked around as Jennie pulled a small bunch of keys from her pocket. She opened the door and invited Jisoo in.

"Come in. I will only be a second." The brunette said after closing the door behind them and going to grab something.

Jisoo couldn't believe in what she was seeing. She thought there would be a normal apartment on the top of the old gallery building but it was a massive loft. She took a few steps inside to see it better. There was a large lounge area with big sofas and a TV, the walls were covered with canvas prints of beautiful photographs surgically placed. It was all very clean, she thought. The kitchen area was spacious and fully equipped. Everything was very modern. Across the loft, she saw Jennie messing with something in a cupboard. The bedroom area was also incredible. A big double bed in between two bedside tables were by the window and two doors led to what Jisoo assumed to be a walk-in closet and a bathroom. Jisoo didn't even notice that Jennie was right by her side until the brunette spoke.

"Here. There's a towel and a few options of tops. Hopefully you will find one that fits you. The bathroom is right there, that door on the left," Jennie pointed the direction to the raven.

"You live here?"


"I mean, you seriously live here?"

She saw Jennie growing a small grin on her face.

"Yes, I seriously live here."

Jisoo stared at the brunette for a moment, not knowing what to say. She felt a word slipping out her lips before she had time to stop it.


She closed her eyes acknowledging how stupid it sounded but she quickly opened them again as she heard Jennie laughing. She didn't take notice before of how pretty the girl was. Her hazel eyes were pressed with laughter and her mouth was opened. She was taller than Jisoo and had long brown hair carefully covered in braids. Jisoo wondered how long it would take to get all those braids done. She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid question."

"No, it's quite alright," Jennie said, still laughing. "This building belongs to my family. Well, to my grandfather's family. And since I'm the last one standing, it kind of belongs to me now."

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