Then the Capitol's anthem plays.

"Hello. Good evening. And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Ceaser Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is your doing, if your working, put down your work. If your having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this, tonight. There has been rampant speculations of what really happened in the quarter quell. And here, to shed a little light in the subject for us, is two very special guests. Please welcome, Mr. Peeta Mellark and Ms. Ceto Sommers." Ceaser begins. "Peeta, Ceto, a lot of people feel as though they are in the dark."

"Yeah, I uh, I know how they feel." Peeta starts.

"Now, to set the stage for us, talk us through what really happened on the final and controversial night."

"Well," this time I speak up. "First off you have to, you have to understand that when in the games, you only get one wish."

"It's very costly." Peeta finishes.

"It cost you your life?" Ceaser asks.

Peeta starts to get agitated. "I think it cost more than your life."

"How do you mean? What's more than your life?"

"I mean to murder innocent people. Now that cost everything that you are and so much more. And it also costs the trust you have for one another." I say, thinking of Finnick and Johanna.

"So you hold on to that one wish." Me and Peeta say together.

Peeta continues. "And that night, my wish was to save Katniss. You know, I should've just ran off with her. Earlier in the day like she wanted."

"But you didn't." Ceaser states.

I look up to the cameras to see that they're focused on me. In my own reflection, I see a tear slide down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away, focusing back to the conversation at hand.

"No." Peeta whispers.

"Why? Were you caught up in Beetee's plan?" Ceaser pushes further.

I scoff. "No, he was to caught up in playing allies. Until they separated us."

Peeta looks off into space. "And that's when I lost her. And then the lightning hit and uh, the whole force field that was around the whole arena just blew out."

"Yes but Peeta, Katniss is the one who blew it out." Ceaser says.

Anger boiled inside of me as I gripped the sides of my chair until my knuckles turn white.

"No, no she didn't know what she was doing. Neither of us knew there was a bigger plan going on. We had no idea."

"Had no idea?"


"Ceto, thoughts?" Ceaser turns it to me.

I look up. "We, uh, we all didn't know, or at least some of us, didn't know what was going on. I had zero clue that Fin-" I cut myself off. "I had no clue that there was something bigger going on."

"Hmm. Well, Peeta, there are many that find it suspicious, to say the least. It seems as though, she was part of the rebel plan." Ceaser puts his hands up.

"You think it was a plan to be almost killed by Johanna? Or part of the plan to be paralyzed by lightning? No we we're not part of any rebel plan. We had no idea what was going on." I could tell Peeta was about to get someone killed but good thing Ceaser got to it first.

"Alright, alright. I believe you Peeta Mellark. You to Ceto Sommers. Thank you. I was gonna ask you about the unrest but you both seem upset."

"No, we can," I look over at Peeta. "We can."

"Are you sure." He asks.

"Absolutely." Peeta sits up straighter. "I want everyone that's watching to stop. And to think about what a civil war could mean."

I sit up also. "We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers our becoming fewer and fewer. The tides are turning against each other again. Is this really what we want to do?"

"Killing ourselves off?"

"Killing is not the answer."

"Everyone need to lay down there weapons immediately or to stand still." Peeta says.

"Are you guys calling for a ceasefire?" Ceaser asks for clarification.

We both answer this time. "Yeah. We are."

"We want everyone to stop the senseless violence. This is not the path to change."

"It's not the path to justice."

Then the camera goes off. Peacekeepers takes us back to our respective cells after we change back to our regular clothes.

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