The Other Concert of Doom

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*Rock music starts to play in the distance*

Ultimate Power Chord: Welcome to One Nation Under Rock 2.0. Now, get ready for the most awesomest thing in your life!

Every Troll decided to quiver seeing the guitar alive and running the show.

Ultimate Power Chord: Now, all I need to do is get our headliner. *goes in the fish bowl searching for Reef* *gasps* He's not in here!

Bliss Marina: *gasps*

Ultimate Power Chord: Whatever. Guess I'll have to zap his parents. *steals the essence and music from all the leaders, laughs evilly* Finally! I can take over the World!

Jill & Bob: *gasps*

Bliss Marina: *gasps* The leaders!

They all passed out afterwards with their essence and music gone within their soul.

Ultimate Power Chord: *starts playing*

Bob: You know what? Bring it on!

Reef Marina: *gasps* No! *swims back* Not my fam!

Before the guitar gets to zap them, Reef grabs it and the guitar swings around, trying to get it to come off.

Jill & Bob: *gasps, smiles*

Bliss Marina: *silent gasp*

The zaps from the guitar flew everywhere up in the sky amazing the Trolls.

Every Troll except the leaders: Ooh! Ahh!

Reef Marina: *holds the Techno essence* Gotcha!

Ultimate Power Chord: Oh, no, you don't!

Reef Marina: *guitar fly's up* Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Jill & Bob: Tyler!

Bliss Marina: Reef!

His hand started to get stuck in the Techno essence. When the guitar stopped, he was 500 feet in the air.

Reef Marina: *yells* YOU ARE CRAZY, MAN! CRAZY!

Ultimate Power Chord: I'm not, you're crazy! You should've just stayed in the quickglitter!

Jill: Wait, what is that?

Bliss Marina: You really don't wanna know.

Reef Marina: I'm not gonna stay stuck! I'm a wild animal! *howls*

Ultimate Power Chord: What? Whatever. *tries to shake him off*

Reef Marina: *screams* That's it.

Reef grabs him by the top tip and holds him tight.

Ultimate Power Chord: What are you doing?

Reef Marina: I'm erasing you for good. *swings to the right*

Ultimate Power Chord: What the?

Reef Marina: It's time for "The Ultimate Guitar Smash!" *falls, keeps swinging to the right*

Reef Marina & Ultimate Power Chord: AHHHHHHHHH-

*record scratch*

The Author: We are sorry to interrupt your feature but . . . The Ultimate Guitar Chord is a registered trademark of "so-said company's" The RVenger Company Incorporated and Wattpad Studios. Anybody who uses the term should copyright it in their credits.

Reef Marina: WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! You sincerely block this awesome scene for that?!

The Author: Nobody reads credits.

Reef Marina: This is why credits were invented! Keep going, we're 85% finished!

The Author: Okay. I'm looking at you, Wattpaders.


The Author: Sorry. *chuckles*

*record scratch*

Reef Marina & Ultimate Power Chord:

Bliss Marina: *gasps*


Right before he finishes, a huge and loud explosion starts to shake the kingdom, making everyone cover their ears . . . or gills.

Earth: Hmm. Just a normal day . . . *pop* Oh! OH MY GOD! OHH! THAT HURTS, IT'S LIKE A PIMPLE! OH GOD.

*back to earth*

The remaining blast makes all the leader's essences float around, going back into their bodies, turning colorful again.

King Trollex: Huh? *gasps happily* I'm colorful again!

Trollzart: *gasps happily* Beautiful!

Queen Essence: Baby!

King Quincy: Beautiful. *both kiss*

Queen Barb: I'M GONNA GIVE THAT GUITAR A STICK UP THE . . . Oh, I'm alive.

Delta Dawn: Yee-haw!

Queen Poppy: *gasps* Branch!

Branch: Poppy! *both hug*

Queen Poppy: *gasps happily* Hug Time! *both hug again*

Bliss Marina: *breaks the cage open, swims outside*

King Trollex: Where's she going?

Branch: Everybody follow, this could be urgent!

Bliss decided to swim to where the two are. The Ultimate Power Chord turned into dust and faded away with the wind.

Bliss Marina: Wow. *gasps* Reef!

Reef wasn't responding as his eyes were closed and his heart was beating faintly.

Bliss Marina: Reef! Don't leave me! Don't-Don't leave me! Reef!!

Reef's heart slowly turned gray as the final heart beat beated.

Bliss Marina: *gasps, sobbing*

Jill: Tyler. We just got him back. *sobbing*

King Trollex & Queen Barb: *tears in their eyes*

They decided to put their hands down on Reef's heart, giving a final sendoff.
What they did was something more amazing.

King Trollex & Queen Barb: *hands start to glow* What the?

Jill & Bob & Bliss Marina: *gasps*

The hand glow started to be absorbed in Reef's heart.

King Trollex: What is happening? I can't let go!

Queen Barb: Me either!

The hand glow started to change Reef's heart from a gray to half cyan, half red, resembling Techno & Rock. But nothing happened when their arms left the heart . . .

Reef Marina: *cough cough cough* What the . . .

Bliss Marina: *gasps happily* Reef!

Jill: Tyler!

Every friend hugs him, thanking that he's alive.

Reef Marina: What happened?

Bliss Marina: We thought you were gone after that huge blast. But you kinda do owe us an apology.

Reef Marina: For what?

Bliss Marina: *sniffling* For scaring us half to death. *whispering* Let's keep the other thing a little secret.

Reef Marina: *smiles* Let's go back home. Also, sorry for scaring you half to death.

Bliss Marina: *giggles*

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