"Ian!" He turned around facing Iris, Frosts older sister. They weren't close but both didn't mind keeping a conversation between the two every once in a while. But usually she'd only talk to Ian with Frost near by. 

"Iris whatch ya need?" He panted, she looked to both sides of the hall and abruptly grabbed his arm leading him into her room. Ian was startled being dragged into her room. Her voice dropped to a whisper after shutting her door.

"Ian, I want ______ to be safe, but they aren't as long as they are here." Ian watched her, she spoke like she had every word memorized. "I figured something out, but I need your help." He absently pointed to himself in confusion. Iris nodded. 

"Why would you need help from me?" He whispered to her. She flipped open the book on her nightstand to a certain page. He recognized the potion book. "I found a potion, it'll erase their memories. I need you to give it to them I already made it." Ian gasped.

"What do you mean a memory loss potion! Then they wont' remember me or you!" He silently shouted at her. She gently closed the book facing him. "That's the point." His heart felt like it'd been shattered. She wanted his best and only friend to completely forget about him.

"Your insane if you think I'm agreeing to som-" She shushed him. "I know its hard to expect, but do you want them to have to go through the Manhunt?" Ian gulped, dead silent. "I found a server, it's far from here but they can stay there. I know someone who has nice family in the server. We both know it would be best for them, you don't have to but if you don't I will." Ian stood still taking it all in. He knew for a long time that Frost was going to leave the server, but it felt all to real now. 

He shifted slowly walking to Iris and grabbing the potion from her. "I'll do it, but you have to make sure they are safe." She smiled and nodded. He could tell it hurt her just as much as him. "Is there...Is there a way to get their memories back?" He asked some what hopeful. "There is a cure and if I know their safe, I can return their memories." He smiled lightly walking out of her room. With a heavy heart he head to Frosts room.

Frost sat on top of their bookcase reading silently. They always had a high interest in magic and potions, so them reading about it wasn't anything unusual. There was a knock at their door, they recognized the pattern. Frost and Ian had come up with their own pattern for knocking on the doors. They called it was open and Ian slowly stalked in. He looked like he'd been beaten.

Frost hopped down from where they sat coming close to their friend. "Did something happen?" They asked approaching him. He nodded trying to compose himself. He explained excatly what Iris wanted to do and why. Frost watched their friend have tears pour down his face, none could muster for them. 

"I will drink it, but I promise I won't forget you." They knew it wasn't something they could really promise, they took the potion from Ian's shaky hands. They didn't know the promise they had made they wouldn't keep. He hugged them, they pat his back. It was time both knew.

Frost uncapped the drink bright light surround them. Ian caught them as they fainted, he set them like they had been sleeping. On shaky legs he walked away, that would be the last time for a long time he would see them.

It took a week before the Queen had suspected Ian had something to do with Frosts disappearance. Ian insisted he didn't but she never believed him. Now he laid in a prison cell under the castle, he had been sentenced for life. No body ever lived that long in the dungeons though, if you were sent to the dungeons you were free rain to be used for magic experiments. 

The first one had been brutal, it left him with scars littering his face. Later he'd cover them with brightly cover band aids. It left his hair an awful mix of red and black, and eyes blood red. His hair was now full straightened, compared to his light brown curly hair he hated it. 

The second one changed everything. The man had handed him a glowing potion, it seemed to change colors in his hands. He uncapped it looking iffy at the man, he knew the punishment would be much worse than anything a potion could do. He put it to his lips chugging it. It was bitter and tasted terrible. After he gagged hating it. 

Thats when it kicked it, everything felt weightless and yet so heavy at the same time. It hurt so much. He collapsed at some point. 

He woke up some time later. Iris was standing in front of him panting scared. She quickly explained she was going to take him to a new server, he numbly agreed. She gave him a bag, which he later would find out had some of his clothes and music player and headphones, but what took him a while to understand was 2 oddly named potions inside.

The next thing he knew he was laying on wet grass, there was no grass in the hunters server. Someone with blond hair and beautiful wings had helped him up and took him in for a while. They helped him to a bed and he slept soundlessly. 

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