The past

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Tommy was back on his feet after an hour of rest. Wilbur didn't like Ian being able to just walk around freely. 

Frost had been given snacks and water, so what happened to Tommy didn't repeat. Ian was being monitored by Eret and Tubbo where ever he went. It didn't take long to get everyone set up to listen to whatever kind of explanation Ian was going to tell.

Wilbur seemed pretty annoyed, Fundy was netural, Tommy and Tubbo seemed interseted, Niki was trying hard to stay mad at Ian, and Eret didn't seem readable. Frost was nervous, they were about to learn more about their past and how most of this came to be. It scared them.

"I should probably start from what server were from." Ian hovered over the chair he'd been given. Tommy fell through ever chair so he sat on the floor. 

"Were from the Death Hunters Server." Frost looked lost, while everyone else gasped in shock. "That bs and you know it!" Wilbur shouted ready to get up. Ian shook his head.

"This is why I didn't tell you, you wouldn't believe me." Wilbur shrunk a bit under that and sat back. Everyone was staring at Ian in shock. Frost assumed the Death Hunters weren't the best people.

"Now I should probably start from the day everything went down right?" He suggested.

"I'm just saying Panda's in clown makeup would be pretty great ok?" Frost dipped their head avoiding the swords protruding from the wall. Ian had been rambling about how fun it would be to go see the circus. It wasn't common for the royal family to leave the server so it was thrown out the window as fast as it was suggested.

"How do you feel about the next manhunt? You're going to participate right?" Ian asked them. It was true that as a royal once you turn 16 you were to become a hunter for that year. They both knew Frost couldn't do it, they hated the idea of hurting anyone. 

"You know how I feel about that." There voice was low and monotone, they didn't dare try to show any emotion. People saw through tones of the voice so getting rid of any had helped them in the long run. Ian nodded sadly, he didn't want Frost to have to do it. "Look on the bright side! In a month you'll be 16!" They nodded adjusting their collar. They had to wear fantasy silk clothes, they preferred something more practical. They were jealous that Ian could wear whatever he wanted. They wanted that freedom.

"________ my child, come say hi to your mother." Both froze in place, spinning on their heals they faced the queen. She always wore an elegant flowing dress, Ian always hated it on her. Frost did a half bow facing the Queen.

"Hello mother, what brings you here?" They asked, Ian always wondered how they never wavered under the Queens death stares. A smile appeared on her face looking down on her child.

"I was wondering how you and your little friend are doing?" She didn't hide her distaste of Ian, he never hid his for her. Frost hid behind masks so well even the Queen couldn't tell what they were thinking. "We are both doing well Mother, how was the meeting?" They questioned.

"The preparations for the Manhunt are under way my darling. Aren't you excited?" They nodded, "Very much so." They both stood watching each other, The Queen waved them off. Frost turned around walking off with Ian. Both walking in silence, Ian had never been able to get a read on how Frost felt about their mother. They showed no signs of liking her, but none of hating her as well. 

"Oh shoot, I've gotta blast Frost! Talk to you later!" Ian shouted running off. "Talk to you later." They kept in the direction they had both been walking. Ian panted as he ran through the castle halls. 

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