Left alone

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Niki silently looked up at the sky, it was only around 5 in the afternoon so not terribly dark and wouldn't be for a couple of hours. She was walking around the L'manberg walls, just wondering with her thoughts. She had started a new small garden outside her house, and had planted a few flowers. Wilber was off doing whatever he needed to Tommy had tagged along.

She had lots of time to herself since she had join. The war was going on still, but for the past couple weeks there wasn't any fighting. It was like the calm before the storm, she knew better than to get comfortable in the calm, because before long everything would go back to fighting.

She breathed in the fresh air and smiled. Even if the calm wouldn't last it felt nice right now.

She found herself making the second round around the walls. No one asked her to take watch, but she felt like it would be comforting to just take a long walk around them a couple times. She slowed down at the sight of the one and only Eret.

She smiled and walked over to him, he seemed to just be twirling a stick in between his fingers. He was leaning against the wall seemingly lost in thought just as shed been just minutes prier.

"Hi Eret, how are you doing?" She broke him out of his endless gaze to glance at her. He smiles kindly upon noticing her.

"Just fine how about you Niki?" "Doing fine." She responded to his question. Both had small talk about the war, about Wilber, anything really. Both enjoyed each others company to just sit and chat.

"Would you want to take a walk through the woods before it gets dark?" Niki asked, they knew it could be a little risky it was going to get dark soon, which is when monsters come out ready to attack. Along with mobs to worry about, there was also Dream and everyone on his side neither were prepared to fight and definitely not tonight. If they were ambushed both would surely be killed.

"That would be nice actually." The taller male responded. Niki felt off like something was going to happen. At the same time she felt like she needed to go through the woods something pulling her there. She lightly shook her head.

They helped each other up and dusted off the grass before heading through the woods silently. Neither said much it wasn't by any means uncomfortable. Niki could feel that something was off the farther they went into the woods. She couldn't explain it...maybe fate?

"Um Eret...does this feel..off to you?" She looked at him for some kind of reassurance that it wasn't just her. Or even reassurance that it was completely fine. Eret hesitated thinking, maybe she wasn't the only one feeling something.

"Now that you mention it, Yeah. Its like I can feel something wrong." Niki looked ahead, could it be Dream? Had they been to reckless and were going to be killed? She gulped, her mind going over every terrible scenario. Eret seemed to be glancing around a lot more than usual. Both were ready for something to happen.

Sun down was in less than an hour, but for some reason Niki could feel herself continue to push forward, like she was waiting or looking for something. What that something is she had no clue, well she didn't until Eret stopped.

"Eret?" She looked at him confused, he stopped dead in his tracks looking at something off to the right. He didnt answer her instead started to slowly walk right. Her gaze slowly went to the right she gasped.

Eret slowly approached what looked like a dead body. Their hair was pure snow white on one side, the other was a deep blood red. The teen was facing away from the pair so neither could see if there were stab wounds. Erets breath caught in his throat when he saw the kid was in a puddle of their own blood. Who would do something like this?

Eret was the first to the kid. He gulped silently praying the kid was alive, he didn't know where the kids respawn point is or if they even have one. He avoided the blood and slowly went to see the face of the teen. He squat down to get a better look at the pale teen. Eret breathed out a sigh of relief at seeing the kid was breathing. Thank god he silently muttered.

Niki was still in shock watching Eret look over the kid they had found. She slowly and almost silently asked the question she was dreading. "Are they...alive?" it barely came out a whisper.

"Yeah they're alive, a nasty cut on their arm and bleeding from their head. I don't know if they have any brain damage, do you have any bandages?" Niki felt herself finally breath again. The kids alive, they are alive. She quickly handed Eret some bandages before helping him. Together they moved the white haired kid out of the blood. Niki used a cloth to remove some of the blood. Neither could tell exactly how long the kid had been there but couldn't have been more than a day.

Eret worked quickly to bandage the teens wounds. Their arm was going to need stitches it seemed to be cut with a blade. Erets first thought was dream, but Dream couldn't be this terrible neither had ever even seen the kid. They had pure white hair, tanned skin which was pale due to the blood loss. Along their cheek was another cut not nearly as bad as their head or arm, but would leave a small scar.

Once the pair had bandaged the poor teen, Eret picked them up. They need to get home and fast mobs would be out soon, and Niki couldn't take them all alone.

First Question-

Should the Main character be Non bionary and go by They/Them


Should the main character be gender fluid/ Go by all pronouns She/They/Him

Which ever gets the most comments wins

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